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Football News

Tariq Woolen: “Russell Wilson is built like a potato sack”

They could have played together and we would have sadly never had the enlightened opinion of Tariq Woolen (CB, Seahawks) on Russell Wilson.

Present in the podcast 2 Up 2 Downthe Seahawks rookie cornerback gave his impressions of Russell Wilson and the least we can say is that his status as a Seahawks legend does not spare him criticism:

“Seeing him in person was fun because on TV when you see him, you’re like, ‘OK, he looks physically sharp. But once you see him in person, he’s built like a sack of potatoes.

He’s athletic and he’s a good player, but really when I saw him, I didn’t know he looked like that. »

Broncos fans, too, were surprised at the difference between the Wilson they saw on TV and the one they saw in real life.

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