Football News

S16 predictions: the Raiders and Cowboys for the surprise?

Difficult to try surprises this week in the forecasts. The favorites are clear in most matches. The Browns, Bills, Chiefs, Vikings or Bengals are all favored by tipsters.

So where will the suspense be? On the side of Dallas, first, where the Cowboys could take advantage of the very likely absence of Jalen Hurts to surprise the team with the best record in the league. In AFC, it is the opposition between the Raiders and the Steelers which seems to offer the most suspense… but not necessarily the most at stake.

In the standings, Alain Mattei is back ahead of (138) Victor Roullier (137) and Grégory Richard (136). Raoul Villeroy (134), Raphaël Masmejean (133) and Lucas Vola (130) follow.

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Podcast team predictions

Residence Outside Alain Raoul Gregory Raphael Lucas Victor
Jets Jaguars Jaguars Jaguars Jaguars Jaguars Jaguars Jaguars
Cowboys Eagles Eagles Eagles Cowboys Cowboys Eagles Eagles
Bears bills bills bills bills bills bills bills
browns Saints browns browns browns browns browns browns
Titans Texas Titans Titans Titans Titans Texas Titans
Chiefs Seahawks Chiefs Chiefs Chiefs Chiefs Chiefs Chiefs
vikings Giants vikings vikings vikings vikings vikings vikings
Patriots bengals bengals bengals bengals bengals bengals bengals
Panthers lions lions lions lions lions lions lions
Ravens Falcons Ravens Ravens Ravens Ravens Ravens Falcons
49ers Commanders 49ers 49ers 49ers 49ers 49ers 49ers
Steelers Raiders Raiders Steelers Steelers Raiders Steelers Steelers
Dolphins Packers Dolphins Dolphins Dolphins Dolphins Dolphins Dolphins
rams Broncos Broncos rams rams Broncos Broncos Broncos
Cardinals Buccaneers Buccaneers Buccaneers Buccaneers Buccaneers Buccaneers Buccaneers
Colts Chargers Chargers Chargers Chargers Chargers Chargers Chargers
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