After meeting and beating his mentor Mike Brown at the start of the season, Jordi Fernandez once again had a meeting with an important man for him, Michael Malone, in Denver. The Nets coach was the assistant coach of the Nuggets between 2016 and 2022.
“It’s six years of my life, with my family here. My children were born in Denver. So I have great memories, not only on a professional level, but also on a family level,” he explains during the Nets' trip to Colorado. “Every year I’ve spent here has prepared me for this job. Michael Malone, the technical staff, the franchise, the managers, the owners. If I'm here right now, it's partly thanks to that. »
Culture before victories
Particularly because the Nuggets were not, at the time of his arrival, in 2016, the team they subsequently became, going so far as to win the title in 2023, the year after his departure. A great example for today's Nets.
“It was a young team, where the majority of players came from the Draft, which we transformed into a playoff team, which made the conference final, then won the trophy”summarizes Jordi Fernandez. “So this process has helped me a lot in understanding how things work. It will never be the same, nor perfect, but knowing that was a good experience for the coach that I am. »
How does the 2023 champion see his former assistant for his first season in charge of a team? Would he have any advice to give her?
“He has the appetite to learn, to progress. Brooklyn gave him a chance. It's been a tough year for him, with what he's going through, transfers for example, but the most important thing for him and for any young coach is to establish a culture. slips Michael Malone. “Then we add pieces to the puzzle and the victories will come. That's what I tried to do during my first season, ten years ago. Before victories arrive, we must create an identity, a culture. Jordi Fernandez is currently doing it. »