Unsurprisingly, ESPN announces that the NBA has accepted requests for “Disabled player exception” of the Hornets and Pacers. They follow injuries for the entire season Grant Williams (knee) as well as James Wiseman (Achilles tendon) and Isaiah Jackson (Achilles tendon).
For Charlottethis financial envelope amounts to $6.5 million and must be used before March 10. For his part, Indiana gets two (one for 1.2 million dollars and one for 2.2 million dollars) and they must also be used before March 10. Note that they all correspond to half the salary of injured players.
If nothing forces the Hornets and Pacers to recruit with these exceptionsthey will in any case have the choice of: signing a “free agent”, recovering a player in an exchange or recovering someone cut by another franchise if he is in the last year of his contract.