On October 10, for the start of their pre-season, the Blazers will challenge New Zealand Breakers at the MODA Center. It’s not uncommon for NBL teams to travel to the US to face NBA teams in preseason, but this opposition won’t be like any other as it’s Rayan Rupert’s former team. , the Blazers rookie. It is also the former team of Jacob Mooallem, one of the staff members of Chauncey Billups.
For the Breakers, his reunion is nice, but it remains a weight in terms of organization since the NBL season begins at the end of September, and they will thus leave for 17 days in the United States to face Portland, then the Jazz. It is only on October 22 that they will resume their championship, and it will be against Melbourne United.
“It’s not ideal but I’m not complaining” reacted Mody Maorthe Breakers coach. “It’s like that… We’re not looking for excuses, but I’m proud of it. Last year, we didn’t look for any excuse, be it travel, injuries, the calendar, or anything else… Everything that is thrown at us, we take it as a challenge. Does it suck? Yes ! We love preseason games in the United States, but if I go there after my season has started, will it be the perfect preparation to win a title? No. »