Basketball News

Sports betting: Jontay Porter risks permanent exclusion from the NBA

Even if his absence is due to “personal reasons” according to official Raptors press releases, Jontay Porter has actually been sidelined for nine games because he is under investigation by the NBA.

The brother of Michael Porter Jr. is in fact suspected of having tampered with his performances during two matches, claiming injuries, the bookmakers having detected very unusual bets.

Particularly serious accusations for Adam Silver, since they affect the very integrity of the game.

“I have a huge range of disciplinary measures at my disposal”declared the “commissioner” of the league during a press conference. “What he is accused of is a cardinal sin in the NBA. The most extreme option I have is to rule it out entirely. This is the level of authority I have, because there is nothing more serious.”

The only players banned for life in the history of the NBA are basketball players who mixed betting and performances, like the most famous of them: Jack Molinas.

As for whether this affair has a link with the development of sports betting in the Great League, Adam Silver assures us that he does not believe it. Arguing that these behaviors have always existed, legal betting or not.

“It is not new that there is unsavory, even illegal, behavior around sports betting. What I mean is that to the extent that these behaviors exist anyway, if the environment is regulated, then you will be more likely to detect them than if all bets are placed illegally. »

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