There were numerous messages from players, former and current, but also from all members of the orange planet after the announcement of the disappearance of the legend Bill Waltonat the age of 71.
Among them, Rick Carlisle stood out by telling a juicy anecdote about the pivot, double NBA champion, and MVP of the Finals with the Blazers in 1977.
A First Date Saved by Bill Walton
A Bill Walton he knew well in Boston, when the two men were teammates during the 1986 season, crowned with a title alongside Larry Bird.
“He often sent me messages during the playoffs. I even read a few to the guys in the locker room.”revealed Rick Carlisle in pre-match press conference. “He loved our team and the way we played. »
Landed with the Celtics after several years of struggle with the San Diego Clippers, despite his home base, Bill Walton finally transcended the Boston locker room. And changed Rick Carlisle's life in the process.
“Our first date [avec ma femme Donna, ndlr] was at a concert [Grateful] Dead in Washington DC and called Bill. It was 1987, I was on a date with a pretty cool woman, and I wanted to take her to a big concert. But I didn't have any tickets, so I called Bill to see if he could help me out. He told me, 'Go to the back door, ask for Dennis McNally and tell him you're Rick Carlisle of the Boston Celtics. And everything will go well, you'll see!' Ah really ? 'Yes, yes, no problem.' So that's what I did. I knocked on the door and it worked, we collected the passes for Bill and his wife Suzie. We saw the concert, we were even on stage! »
And afterwards, here is this good Rick and his date invited backstage, to discuss with the members of the group: “Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir and Mickey Hart for fifteen minutes, it was an incredible evening, and a great first date! » smiles the current Pacers coach.
A colorful man
Bill Walton had a whole bag of stories like this!
“We're talking about a guy who played drums for the Grateful Dead in a concert in front of the pyramids in Egypt. He had experienced it all,” adds Rick Carlisle. “He was an event in himself for me. Because he had been part of so many important moments. »
Passing behind the microphones to comment on NBA matches, then those of the NCAA later, Bill Walton was also known for his lyrical flights and his declarations of love for certain players. Of which Boris Diaw. In any case, he was faithful to his legend, that of a colorful man.
“When he arrived in Boston, he had a reputation for being a vegetarian. And then, the first time I meet him in the locker room, I see him with a huge roast beef sandwich that he was devouring with his teeth! It’s something we don’t forget! “, concludes Rick Carlisle.
“He arrived in the summer of 1985. He had already experienced a whole bunch of foot injuries before that, I don't know how he managed to continue and hang on after so many operations. But he had a miraculous season, playing 80 of 82 games, finishing as the best sixth man of the year, enhancing a group that already included several Hall of Famers. It was a unique experience. His joy after the title was so pure. At this point he would play for a dime. »
And Rick Carlisle says that “Bill Walton fought to make every moment in life the best it could be, that’s the best way to describe it”.