A month ago, Jeremy Lin was talked about for his criticism of the conditions under which he had to prepare his matches in the Chinese league, compared to the quarantine imposed by the government’s “Zero Covid” policy. Stuck in a hotel in Shanghai, the Guangzhou Loong Lions player had also suffered a $1,400 fine for “inappropriate comments”.
Today, the former Knicks player is in the news again as he is ending his season and leaving China! He explained himself in a post on Instagram.
“After careful consideration, I have decided to leave the CBA this season. It was not an easy decision. I still love basketball and can’t wait to get back on the court one day. For now, I am returning to the United States to rest and start from scratch. Then I will make a decision with my family. For the past three years, it’s been hard not to play in front of the fans, I miss him a lot. »
Is a return to the NBA possible? “When I have made my decision, I will give it to everyone”announces the one who set the league on fire in 2012, during the Linsanity.
Jeremy Lin has not played in the American League since the 2018/2019 season and his short stint in Toronto. In 2021, we saw him in the G-League, with the Warriors, before he finally joined China.