” Neither returned nor exchanged. This is what can be read on the stub of this entry ticket for the Boston Garden, bought… 22 dollars at the time. The end of this ticket was detached one evening in April 1986, on the occasion of the first major NBA exploit by Michael Jordan, author of 63 points on the floor of the Celtics.
This modest piece of paper, marker of this legendary match that occurred in the first round of the playoffs between Boston and Chicago, has gained in value over the years. Lots of value too.
According to journalist Darren Rovellspecialist in sports betting and economic issues in the world of sport, the heel in question was also sold for… 13,000 dollars on eBay this weekend.
This should still give ideas to all the witnesses of the exploits of “MJ”, whose enthusiasm with collectors is undeniable, who would have in their boxes or their cupboards objects related to these exploits and likely to seduce collectors . We recall that a year ago, a ticket for Michael Jordan’s first NBA game went for… 468,000 dollars while its owner was ready to sell it for 500 dollars.