Basketball News

Dominos, coffee, basketball… Jimmy Butler always wants to be first!

Since the “bubble”, Jimmy Butler became a superstar, but also one of the most endearing personalities in the NBA. Taking over from Boris Diaw, he became the new coffee expert in the league, and we remember that he had actually launched a business in this same “bubble”, selling his cup of coffee for 20 dollars to other players!

Since then, the Heat star has actually created his own coffee business, and beyond his improbable looks during “media day”, we discovered his passion for country music, tennis and even “soccer”. Without forgetting the dominoes, some of which he shares online! HAS Sports Illustrated, his cousin says that Jimmy Butler is capable of missing meals as long as he doesn’t win a game of dominoes. On vacation, they even played for 12 hours straight! Same determination on the Heat plane when he plays rummy with his teammates.

“We know Jimmy is going to play and it’s just a waste of time”

“Every time you are with him, he finds a way to be competitive in everything”says Max Strus, who left for the Cavaliers. “Whether it’s who will finish their coffee first, who plays cards correctly or who drives the fastest. It sure gets annoying, but Jimmy doesn’t have a “release” button. »

This intensity, which we know on the ground, also translates into everyday life. Godfather of Jimmy Butler’s daughter, Kyle Lowry confirms that this can quickly become annoying, and that the best thing is to simply… give up or not play at all!

“Jimmy doesn’t care who he plays or where he plays”recalls Kyle Lowry. “As long as he’s competitive and winning, that’s all that matters to him.” Whether it’s dominoes, card games, rummy, I don’t even get involved in all that. We know Jimmy is going to play and it’s just a waste of time. »

“We’re going to put on our outfits in October. And I’m going to kick all of your ass! Once again “

This is why, like dominoes or cards, Jimmy Butler cannot stop with a defeat, and he wants to play for the title every year, even if it means flirting with exhaustion to achieve this, as in 2020 in the “bubble”.

“I already lost, what do you want me to do?” » he asks. “Mope? Didn’t I do my job? Well, sue me! But I’m going to go home and play with my children. I’m going to beat my friends at dominoes and cards. And then we will go on vacation together. We will drink wine and eat good food. Then we’ll put on our outfits in October. And I’m going to kick all of your ass! Once again. »

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