It was only a matter of time before the first-ever minor league collective bargaining agreement was ratified by MLB owners.
This was the last step separating players in the lower ranks from the hope of getting better working conditions.
And this last rampart has been brought down in spectacular fashion. Indeed, the 30 owners voted in favor of the new pact, as did the majority of players playing in the MiLB, thus showing all their desire to remedy the lean years for the protagonists of the minor leagues.
This new contract will be for a period of five years and will ensure that wages will double in the minor ranks.
Other benefits are also added, which is a very good step forward in terms of the working conditions that prevailed in the MiLB.
Example: Players who sign with an MLB club at the age of 19 or older will now be under the control of the team for a period of six years rather than seven previously.
One small step for major leaguers, one giant leap for minor leaguers.