noun ice hockey A female ice hockey fan, often one whose interest in the sport is primarily motivated by attraction to the players rather than enjoyment of the game itself. Puck bunnies exhibit similar traits to those of groupies toward musicians.
Subsequently, what do you call girls who like hockey players? A puck bunny is a term used to describe a female ice hockey fan whose interest in the sport is purported to be primarily motivated by sexual attraction to the players rather than enjoyment of the game itself.
Similarly, what is a Tilly in hockey? Tilly: Oh look, it’s another word for a fight!
Amazingly, what is a donkey in hockey? Donk: A donkey, someone with a reputation for aggravating other players on the ice.
Additionally, what is a hockey bender? Bender: a player whose ankles bend while they’re skating.Pigeon: a player who can’t score on his own and relies on others to feed him the puck or pick up the garbage. Pipe: the goal post. Pinch: when a defenseman moves into the offensive zone in an attempt to keep the puck inside the zone.
What does Chel mean in hockey?
Cause we will rip Chel” Chiclets. Teeth, in the context of hockey fights that result in lost teeth.
What do you call a hockey puck?
A hockey puck is also referred to colloquially as a “biscuit”. To put the “biscuit in the basket” (colloquial for the goal) is to score a goal.
What is a apple in hockey?
Apple: an assist. Bar Down/Bar Mexico: a type of shot that hits the bottom of the crossbar and shoots right down into the net. All beauties (see below) attempt to go bar down whenever possible, as it is seen as a very impressive shot. Just listen to the sound as the puck hits the bar and goes in below.
What does sauce mean in hockey?
Sauce – Short for Saucer pass. Sacuer Pass – A pass in which the puck is passed to another player such that it flies in the air like a flying saucer. This makes the pass very difficult to intercept by opposing players but it will still land flat on the ice making it simple to control for the receiving player.
What does pitter patter mean Letterkenny?
Pitter Patter This is Wayne’s (Jared Keeso) way of expressing his own impatience, which occurs often, by telling another to hurry it up with a story or get off their bum and help with chorin’.
What is a Hatty in hockey?
A hatty is a slang term for the phrase hat-trick, when a player scores three goals in a game, resulting in fans throwing their hats onto the ice. Natural hatty is used when a player scores three goals in one period OR when scoring three goals in a game as long as no other goals occurred in between.
What does pitter patter mean on tinder?
: a rapid succession of light sounds or beats : patter.
What are Cellys in hockey?
Celly: Slang for “celebration” and refers to the expression of joy after a player scores a goal; a celly comes in many forms and can range from a fist pump to sheathing a stick as if it were a sword to belly-sliding across the ice.
What are 3 assists in hockey called?
Playmaker. (ii) A player has three assists in one game.
What does corn mean in hockey?
Definition. A “can of corn” is a routine fly ball hit to an outfielder.