Unlike push exercises, hockey players typically extremely underutilize pull-based exercises. The inclination for push exercises (specifically “chest” exercises) often creates overly tight anterior muscles in the upper body and often exaggerates the forward rounded shoulder position.
Also know, are pushups good for hockey? We all detest them – coaches even use them as punishment for poor play in training – but the push up has plenty going for it when it comes to hockey. Push ups exercise your upper body while at the same time activating your all-important core muscles.
Moreover, is leg press good for hockey players? Power training that uses a combination of strength exercises supersetted with power exercises is a great way to build explosiveness for ice hockey. … Peform the strength exercise in a stable position (using two legs, leg press machine, etc.) as this allows more weight to be used.
Subsequently, how do you strengthen your legs for hockey?

Also the question is, what training exercises are good for hockey?
- Wind Sprints/Explosive Running. One of the best exercises for hockey players to increase explosiveness on the ice is to engage in various sprinting exercises on dry land.
- Pull-ups/Chin-ups.
- Stickhandling Drills.
- Focus on the Fundamentals.
- Bench Press.
- Squats.
- Hang Cleans.
- Deadlifts.
Hockey players usually have tight hips from skating, squatting can help increase hip mobility by going to full-depth. Increased vertical jump/sprint speed aka explosiveness: we know vertical jumps and sprints all require aspects of power.
How do you become more explosive in hockey?
How do hockey players get big legs?
In order for hockey to elicit leg muscle increases, the sport has got to provide enough stress to break down and damage your muscle fibers. When this occurs, the muscles heal back and simultaneously increase in size.
How do I increase my endurance for hockey?
What muscles are most important for hockey?
The primary muscles you use in hockey are located in your lower-body and core. Muscles like the quadriceps, adductors, glutes, and hamstrings drive your every stride on the ice. Core muscles also maintain your skating balance and motion.
How do you increase speed in hockey?
- Longer skating strides = wider strides.
- For acceleration, nothing compares to short off-ice sprints.
- Less equipment means faster skating practice.
- Strength workouts must incorporate explosive movement of your body, not just slow strength alone.
- Practice skating on your own.
How do I improve my hockey skills off ice?
Is running good for hockey players?
From a performance perspective, running long distance does not serve purpose to hockey players after they have achieved the required aerobic base for hockey. The old saying of “more is not better” really applies well here. Hockey players should never go long distance even when performing aerobic work.
Are lunges good for hockey?
Through using a variety of lunge-based exercises, hockey players can develop strength, stability and flexibility in their hamstrings, quadriceps and glutes – all vital muscle groups for top level performances.
Are Wall sits good for hockey players?
One way to practice flexing the right muscles is by doing a wall set (sit in a chair-like squat with your back against the wall and hold). Most likely your quadriceps muscles will begin to burn. Without changing position, you can relieve the strain on the quads by tightening up your gluteals and hamstrings.
Are deadlifts good for hockey?
- Squats and Deadlifts. … Bilateral barbell variations of Squats and Deadlifts should be a staple in any hockey player’s off-ice regimen. Barbell Squats and Trap Bar Deadlifts are our most common leg strength exercises, but we rotate between several variations of each.