The average hockey stick size for adults is 36.5 inches. What hockey stick size you should use is normally dependent upon your height however an old method used to be to pick a stick which was level to your hip in height.
Also the question is, how long should my hockey stick be? The butt of the handle should fall between your Adam’s apple and your eyebrows. The general rule of thumb is to have a stick that reaches the tip of your nose — but the trend seems to be toward shorter sticks, reaching the chin or lower.
Furthermore, is my hockey stick too long? Measuring Hockey Stick Length The general rule is that the end of a proper length stick should come to about the nose. However, if the player’s skates are on, the stick should come up to the chin.
Also, what size hockey stick do I need for a 12 year old? Junior Hockey Sticks are available in sizes 24” up to full size 36.5”. Junior sticks are available in wood or fibre glass. To measure a child (5 Ft 2” or under) hold the hockey stick at their side and it should be just under their hip or belly button.
Beside the above, what is hockey stick lie? The lie of a hockey stick is indicated by a number on the shaft, usually ranging from 4 to 7. The higher the number, the more upright the lie — think puckhandlers, weaving through traffic to snap off wrist shots. The lower the number, the farther the puck is from your body — think slap shot-happy defensemen.At 60 inches the Raven Edge 50 flex is taller than a standard Junior stick and has a lower flex rating than any other intermediate stick on the market; at 60 inches and 50 flex, this stick is a perfect fit for any player under 5’7″ and less than 110 lbs.
What Flex does Ovechkin use?
Alexander Ovechkin is 230 pounds and uses a 79 flex stick, which is probably a big reason for his one-timer.
What flex should my hockey stick be?
It’s pretty simple… All Hockey Players should be using a stick with a Flex Rating that equals less than 50% of their body weight. Let’s use logic… Most NHL Players weigh 190-220 lbs & use sticks that are 85-110 flex.
How tall is Crosby’s stick?
Sidney Crosby uses a very short stick, only 54 inches long. It suits his style. He can bend low to the ice, drop his shoulder to protect the biscuit and he’s able to keep the puck on a leash in tight spaces in the corners, and around the net.
What stick does McDavid use?
Connor McDavid is also well known for his older stick model choice, sticking with an original Super Tacks. He has tried a few of CCM’s newer sticks, but has always come back to his trusty Super Tacks.
What size is a youth hockey stick?
Most hockey sticks come in three basic sizes: junior, intermediate and senior length. Junior sticks are generally 46-53 inches long, intermediate around 54 inches and senior sticks are usually 56-62 inches long. Offensive players usually have a slightly shorter stick for better puck control.
How long should a hockey stick be without skates?
Jeremy Rupke of How to Hockey explains the guidelines. Standing straight up looking forward with the stick in front of the body (tip of the stick’s toe on the ground) the stick should be between your chin and your nose. When on skates it should be up to around your chin.
How is a hockey stick measured?
Sticks are measured in one of two ways: either from the top of the shaft to the blade when it’s on its toe and against a wall, or from the top of the shaft straight to the heel. Remember: if you’re measuring sticks in your street shoes, it’s going to feel about 3-4 inches shorter on the ice.
What curve should I use?
If you really like to stick handle a lot or you are a beginner you should try a mid curve or a mid-toe curve. (Like the P88) they give you the most comfort stick handling as well as shooting forehand and back hand. You will also have the most accuracy. If you like to snipe corners you want a mid-toe to toe curve.
What curve is best for slapshots?
A slight curve is best for slap and backhand shots. It makes it harder to stick-handle and elevate the puck. Defensemen tend to choose blades with a slight curve.
Do NHL players pay for their sticks?
NHL players do not pay for sticks. Their current team pays for the sticks. Even if certain players are sponsored by a brand, the team still has to buy the sticks from the brand. Some teams pay $300,000 a season to provide sticks for their players.
Who has the lowest Flex stick in the NHL?
Speaking of Whippy Shafts But here are a few NHL players whose stick flex is somewhere between “pool noodle” and “CB antenna”: Johnny Gaudreau (55 flex): At 5-foot-9, 157 pounds, it’s not a shock he has the lowest flex stick in the league.
What does P28 mean on a hockey stick?
Most noticeably stars like Ovechkin, Doughty or Getzlaf are using what has become known as the Open Toe (P28 in most brands) pattern. Just like everything else in hockey when people see success they try to emulate it, and elite players have flocked to the open toe.
How do you measure a hockey stick without skates?
Choosing a Hockey Stick: A good way to measure your stick is to stand, without skates in your stocking feet, on a flat surface. Place the toe of your stick on the ground between your feet. Lean the stick straight up-and-down so the handle of the stick touches the tip of your nose.
What stick does Bedard use?
Connor Bedard uses a retail p92 curve.
What stick does Phil Kessel use?
The most well-known version of this is with Phil Kessel who has a truly unique shot, and has been known to use a 65-flex. Some other players use a similarly low-flex and many of them are goal scorers known for their shooting as well.
Should you wax your hockey stick?
The easiest and most effective thing you can do to prolong the life of your hockey stick blades is to tape and wax them very well. Since you naturally lose grip on the puck if your blades are wet, taping the blade of your stick prevents moisture from building up on the blade and keeps the puck from sliding off.
What flex should a 11 year old use?
Youth = 20 to 30 flex (typically for ages 4 – 8, weight 40 to 60 lbs) Junior = 30 to 50 flex (typically for ages 7 – 13, weight 60 – 100 lbs) Intermediate = 50 to 70 flex (typically for ages 13 – 17, weight 110 to 150 lbs)
What is the longest hockey stick?
The largest hockey stick is 62.48 m (205 ft) long, weighs 28.12 tonnes (62,000 lb) and was commissioned by Canada’s Federal Government for the Canadian Pavilion at the Expo 1986, in Vancouver, Canada.
Do hockey sticks wear out?
Even the most durable carbon stick, players note, can break in a week or can last a year. Most people cite frequency and level of play as two central factors for determining the lifespan of a hockey stick. Remember, too, you may want to replace a stick when it’s not broken—it may have lost its stiffness, its pop.