Defenders and goalies can typically expect a stick to endure for four to five years. Strikers, forwards, and midfielders can expect more extensive wear, though a well-wrapped stick should last for two to three years of constant play. The type of use will really determine how long the field hockey stick actually lasts.
Also, when should I replace my field hockey stick?

Moreover, do hockey sticks go bad? The short answer is, no, your sticks will not deteriorate over time. As long as you kept it properly stored, that 10 year composite stick will be the same as when you left it. While wood sticks are susceptible to the humidity or dryness, modern composite will remain pretty much the same.
Subsequently, why do field hockey sticks break? If a hockey stick is going to break, it is most likely going to be the shaft. The reason is simple – repeated impact on the stick. The second most likely place a hockey stick will experience damage or break is the blade itself. This is usually due to the continued beating the blade takes on the ice.
Similarly, how can I make my hockey stick last longer?
How many hockey sticks are broken in the NHL?
Composites give no such hints, so their failures are featured. In the wooden stick era, NHL teams reportedly went through an average of 2,500 to 4,000 sticks per season.
Do composite hockey sticks wear out?
Yes. Blades and shafts can go soft.
What happens to broken hockey sticks?
Dropping a stick because it is broken. Simply, it is illegal to play with a broken stick. If a player is caught using a broken stick it is a 2 minute minor penalty. Therefore, if a player has his stick broken they must immediately drop the stick to the ice and discontinue using it.
How hard is it to break a hockey stick?
Hockey sticks do not break easily. If you pick up a stick and try to bend it and break it, you will not be able to break the wood shaft very easily. Although it happens in most NHL games, it is actually difficult to break a stick.
Can you fix broken hockey sticks?
Fixing Your Broken Hockey Stick Is Not a Long-Term Solution They’ll tell you they always fix their sticks and they’re as good as new. But while you may be able to heal the splintered fibers and strengthen the stick to withstand a few practices or maybe a game, the chances of the fix holding are questionable.
Why do NHL players break so many sticks?
The reason is simple – repeated impact on the stick. The second most likely place a hockey stick will experience damage or break is the blade itself. This is usually due to the continued beating the blade takes on the ice. They break because they undergo a huge amount of stress, banging a puck around.
Do NHL players pay for their sticks?
NHL players do not pay for sticks. Their current team pays for the sticks. Even if certain players are sponsored by a brand, the team still has to buy the sticks from the brand. Some teams pay $300,000 a season to provide sticks for their players.
How long should a hockey stick be without skates?
The butt of the handle should fall between your Adam’s apple and your eyebrows. The general rule of thumb is to have a stick that reaches the tip of your nose — but the trend seems to be toward shorter sticks, reaching the chin or lower.
Can you play field hockey on concrete?
A softer sand-based pitch will help preserve your stick in the long term. Obviously, if you’re playing on a concrete yard you’re likely to scuff the head and do real damage to your stick. … The surface is ideal for the sport, as the soft sand won’t cause harmful friction on your hook.
How do I find a good field hockey stick?
A defensive player or midfielder may prefer a longer stick in order to drive the ball further, and an offensive player might select a shorter stick for better handling and control. Sticks can range from 28” – 37.5” or more. Typically, the stick should come up to the top of your hip bone.