GUIDE: If you hold the stick with your LEFT hand at the BOTTOM of the stick (right hand on top), then you use a LEFT (L) stick. If you hold the stick with your RIGHT hand at the BOTTOM of the stick (left hand on top), then you use a RIGHT (R) stick.
Beside the above, what does a right-handed hockey stick look like?

Also, what side of a hockey stick can you use? How many sides of the hockey stick are you allowed to use? A player can only play the ball using the face of the stick. If you use the back side of the stick, it is a penalty and the other team will gain possession of the ball.
Likewise, is there a left hand hockey stick? While there are plenty of left-handed sticks for ice hockey players, left-handed field hockey athletes are forced to use right-handed sticks during play. A typical field hockey stick is designed with a flat hitting surface that faces toward the left.
Subsequently, where does your dominant hand go on a hockey stick?
- The dominant hand should go at the top of the hockey stick. By far the most common opinion is that your dominant hand should be at the top of the stick. This means that a right-hand-dominant person should shoot left-handed in hockey.
While World Is Right, Hockey Leans Left Ninety percent of the world is right-handed. Yet, in the NHL, more than 60 percent of the players have a left-handed shot — i.e., with their right hand on the top of the stick’s grip and the toe of the blade curving to the right as you look down on it.
Are most hockey players left or right-handed?
With an estimated 90 percent of the population right-handed, some hockey fans have wondered, “Why are there so many left-handed hockey players?” After all, the percentage of hockey players in the National Hockey League who shoot left-handed can be 60 percent, or even as high as 70 percent.
How does a hockey stick look like?
Ice hockey sticks are approximately 150–200 cm long, composed of a long, slender shaft with a flat extension at one end called the blade. … The goaltender has a slightly modified stick. The lower part of the stick is wider, the angle is smaller, and the blade is slightly curved towards the direction of the play.
Why are there no left-handed field hockey sticks?
Why were left handed sticks band? Left handed sticks cause a high risk to injury in the game of field hockey. If a right handed player came in for a block tackle against a left handed stick they would most likely get hit on the follow through swing.
Should a hockey stick be bent?
FIH regulations dictate that the head must be J or U shaped and that the hook may not be more than about 4 inches (100mm) deep. The stick also may not twist along the playing side and may have a single concave or convex curve across the head of no more than about 3/20 inch (4mm) deep.
In which game left hand is restricted?
The banning of left-handed playing in a game of polo is for safety reasons in order to avoid the likelihood of a head-on collision between players. As a left-handed player and a right-handed player head for the ball, they would not pass each other as they do in right-hand only games.
Is Gretzky left-handed?
2: Wayne Gretzky. “The Great One” is actually right handed, but since he accomplished his NHL records using a lefty stick he makes the list.
In which sport is it forbidden to play left-handed?
The answer to this is – field hockey, polo, and jai alai. Yes, there are 3 sports that don’t allow left-handed play. While it is not practical to play jai alai left-handed, you are banned from playing field hockey and polo left-handed due to safety concerns.
What is a left hockey stick?
If you hold the hockey stick with your right hand on top of the stick and your left hand down the stick, you are a left-handed shooter. If you hold your hockey stick with your left hand on top of the stick and the right hand down the stick, you are a right-handed shooter.
Should a left winger be right-handed?
When you are playing your off-wing, the puck is protected more easily on your forehand as you cut east-west. … A lefty on the right hand side will have the puck on her forehand as she cuts across, making it easier to protect the puck as well as easier to shoot or pass.
How does a lefty hold a hockey stick?
A left-handed shooter in hockey holds the top of the stick with his right hand, with his left hand lower down the shaft of the stick and the blade touching the ground to the left side of his body.