Tape won’t protect a stick in street hockey, and it will actually stick to the surface you play on. Your best best is to get an old aluminum shaft. Then get some cheap blades and just replace those. Play It Again Sports should have what you need.
Additionally, do you need to tape a street hockey stick? Many players prepare their new hockey stick for action on the ice by taping the blade and the butt end. This protects the blade from wear and tear and gives you a better grip on the stick shaft. Tape on the blade also keeps moisture and ice from building up, causing the puck to slip off the blade—not a good thing.
Furthermore, how do you tape a hockey stick for street hockey?

Subsequently, do hockey players tape their sticks? First, players may tape their stick to protect it from wear, tear, and damage. Secondly, players tape their sticks to change how the stick feels and how the player handles it. Lastly, taping a hockey stick can change the control and interaction between the stick and the puck.
Also know, how do you protect a hockey stick on asphalt?
How do you wrap a hockey stick?
How often should I tape my hockey stick?
How Often? For optimal performance in terms of feel, your stick should get new tape for every game. Many pros re-tape for every practice. But, for most amateurs, protection is the primary goal and, therefore, tape needs to be replaced only when it is showing wear (fraying and the like) along the bottom edge.
What tape do NHL players use?
Most hockey players prefer either white or black hockey tape.
Do all hockey sticks need tape?
Hockey players tape their sticks to gain the highest level of control with the puck. Without tape, the puck is much more slippery on the stick blade. Tape is used on the butt-end of the stick for better grip with the top hand. Tape also protects the stick from damage and moisture from the ice.
Why do people put tape on their hockey sticks?
The reasons are obvious: Tape makes a stick easier to hold. Tape “softens” the blade, making it easier to corral a pass, lets the puck linger in your cagey control, or allows you to snap a precise wrister through the five-hole. Tape protects the blade, helping it survive the brunt of your cannonading slap shots.
Is hockey tape the same as athletic tape?
Hockey tape has more of an actual grip athletic tape is smoother with less of a grip and tears your gloves up less imo…
How do I protect the bottom of my hockey stick?
The Blade Saver is a hard plastic tube that fits over the bottom of your hockey stick blade and protects the blade from wearing down. It is thin, durable, and extremely light, so you won’t notice it while playing.
How do you use an outside ice hockey stick?
How long does the hockey wraparound last?
The original wrap around last anywhere from 2-5 sessions of skating.
Are ice hockey and roller hockey sticks the same?
Inline Hockey Skates. The most obvious equipment difference between street and ice hockey is the skates, where inline skates have a chassis and wheels instead of a blade and blade holder. That said, the boots are almost exactly the same, so much so that ice hockey skates are often converted into inline skates.