Helmets – In boys lacrosse, all players are required to wear a helmet specifically designed for lacrosse. In the past, players could use hockey helmets. That is no longer the case, due to liability and design changes in the game.
Also know, can you wear a hockey helmet for box lacrosse? The helmets that are used in box lacrosse are completely different than field lacrosse. They use Hockey helmets with a box lacrosse facemask. Different from a field helmet, like a Cascade R or Warrior Regulator, these helmets are shaped smaller around the head so they are a little lighter.
Considering this, why do box lacrosse players wear hockey helmets? They’re designed to keep your head from splitting like a melon when you fall down on the ice. Lacrosse helmets have evolved with slightly more overall protection than a hockey helmet and are designed for lacrosse. When given the choice I do prefer to wear the box bucket.
Moreover, what hockey gear can be used for lacrosse?

Amazingly, which lacrosse helmet is the best?
- Cascade S – The Safest Lacrosse Helmet and Best Lacrosse Helmet For Concussions.
- STX Rival – Best Fitting Lacrosse Helmet.
- Warrior Burn – Most Innovative Lacrosse Helmet.
- Cascade CPX-R – Best Budget / Value Lacrosse Helmet.
Because box lacrosse is played indoors, it has a flexible season schedule. … The most general difference between the two games is the rougher and more physical play of box lacrosse. The game is more contact based and allows stick play not allowed in field lacrosse.
Why do box lacrosse goalies wear so much padding?
Lacrosse goalie gloves have an extra layer of padding on the outside of the glove to deflect damaging shots. This extra padding is on both gloves and serves to also protect the inner wrist of the stick-hand, which is often exposed in the crouch position when wearing hockey gloves as a lacrosse goalie.
Do you need different pads for box lacrosse?
What Equipment Do I Need for Box Lacrosse? YOU NEED ALL YOUR REGULAR FIELD PADS (Shoulder Pads, Elbow Pads, Gloves, cup, etc.)
Can you wear hockey gloves for lacrosse?
Gloves: Hockey gloves will work for Lacrosse in most cases. The major difference between hockey gloves and Lacrosse gloves is the “bendable” thumb in Lacrosse gloves. This helps with stick handling and shooting as the players become more advanced.
Do lacrosse goalies wear mouthguards?
Every player on the field must wear a mouthguard. Lacrosse goalies must also wear a chest protector. They are designed to offer protection for your chest, ribs, stomach and shoulders, while still allowing full range of motion. … In addition, a goalie’s gloves are different than what other players wear on the field.
Do lacrosse goalies wear cleats?
Lacrosse Goalie Cleats There’s so many small delicate bones in the foot that broken bones seem to be a regularity among lacrosse goalies. Today’s brands of lacrosse (or football) cleats seem to be opting for lighter and thus thinner materials.
Are lacrosse helmets safe?
Lacrosse Helmet Safety While there is no concussion-proof helmet, a lacrosse helmet can help protect your athlete from a serious brain or head injury.
Do lacrosse helmets expire?
Helmets 10 years of age or older cannot be re-certified or reconditioned. Replace the helmet if it is no longer certified. Do not pass it on.
Is Cascade S or R better?
Why do field lacrosse goalies not wear pads?
The field lacrosse goal at 6′ by 6′ is simply too big to use a “block” approach like the other goalies do in front of their smaller nets. So a lacrosse goalie does need to be mobile.
How many types of lacrosse are there?
The sport has four versions that have different sticks, fields, rules and equipment: field lacrosse, women’s lacrosse, box lacrosse and intercrosse.