Snowboarding: Ski and Snowboard Wax. Despite what the employees at the skiing and snowboard store may tell you, ski and snowboard wax are exactly the same. Don’t let them fool you into buying two wax sticks when you only need one for both.
Additionally, can you use snowboard wax for skis? The ski/snowboard base is porous and will soak up wax; the wax will bleed out of the base as you ski and lubricate the surface to enhance your glide and protect your ski base against these frictional forces that can contribute to oxidation. But remember that you ski on your base, not your wax, the wax only lubricates.
Moreover, can you use any wax to wax a snowboard? No, you should never use candle wax on a snowboard. You should only ever use wax sold specifically for waxing a snowboard or skis. Using candle wax can actually ruin your board and make it go slower on the slopes.
Also, does it matter what wax you use on a snowboard? If you are taking a snowboarding trip, we recommend you have your snowboard hot waxed at your local shop or DIY. Regardless, you’ll need to wax your board in the near future, so make sure you purchase some extra wax. The type of wax you use on your board depends on the temperature of the snow you’ll be riding.
Subsequently, can you use skateboard wax on skis?

Can I use Alpine wax on skate skis?
By Casey Kirt|February 17th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off. A question we get all the time is “Can I use Nordic ski wax on my alpine ski’s?” The answer is Yes, yes, a hundred times yes. In classic Nordic skiing we use two types of wax, kick and glide. … Glide wax is what makes your skis glide across the snow.
Can you use Gulf wax on snowboard?
Run to your grocery store and buy “Gulf Wax” which is parrafin wax and you will be fine. It even says right on the box you can use it for ski/snowboards.
What happens if you don’t wax your snowboard?
If you don’t wax your snowboard you will not be able to ride as fast and your board will not be protected and at a higher risk for rust and abrasion or damage. If you have just gotten a new snowboard, there is already a factory wax on there.
Can I wax my own skis?
Should you wax new snowboard?
To keep your base fast and fresh, we recommend that you wax at the beginning and end of the season and after every 3-5 days of riding. Not only does waxing increase speed, but it also strengthens the base of the snowboard to protect against rocks, stumps, and other types of snow sharks you may encounter.
Do new skis need to be waxed?
your new skis really just need a wax coat every couple of weeks and some shop work once or twice a season. Other skis require even more work than just a simple waxing. Fat skis, for instance, tend to need a base grind in order to flatten out the base so it runs evenly and smoothly on the snow.
Do you need to wax your snowboard every year?
We suggest waxing your snowboard every three or four times that you go riding, and even more often if you are doing it yourself. There are a few ways to check your snowboard’s base in order to tell if you need a hot wax. A dry base will start on the edges of the bottom of your snowboard.
Is skateboard wax and snowboard wax the same?
So remember – skateboard wax and snowboard wax are not the same. You can use snowboard wax for skateboarding, but you shouldn’t use skateboarding wax for snowboarding.
What kind of wax do you use for skate skis?
Higher performance classic skis and skate skis will perform best with an iron-in glide wax. These help keep the bases healthy, and will provide the best glide. If a wax bench and an iron is out of your budget, you can also apply a rub on glide wax.
How often should you wax skate skis?
If you ever see the bases of your skis looking slightly white the base has oxidised, and no amount of waxing can return it. To prevent that, make sure you wax your skis at least every 4-5 times you ski.