Roller hockey is a form of hockey played on a dry surface using wheeled skates. It can be played with traditional roller skates (quad skates) or with inline skates and use either a ball or puck. Combined, roller hockey is played in nearly 60 countries worldwide.
Beside the above, how do you use roller skates in hockey?

Amazingly, does playing roller hockey help ice hockey? How Rollerblades Can Help Ice Skaters? Practicing on rollerblades can be highly beneficial for less experienced ice skaters or beginners. Rollerblading can help them develop a sense of balance on skates and may also work wonders for improving their confidence.
Also know, is rollerblading good for hockey? Do I recommend rollerblading to hockey players? Absolutely, especially for the less experienced skaters. Yes you could develop a few bad habits, but if you’re having trouble with skating on ice I believe rollerblading will help you develop a better feel for being on skates.
Similarly, can you hockey stop on roller skates?
How do you stop playing roller hockey?
Are roller skates like ice skates?
Inlines and rollerblades are similar to ice skates in that they have a single blade attached to a skate plate that is then attached to the roller skate boot. The difference being that the blade is made out of 3-5 wheels vs. metal blades.
Is roller skating or blading harder?
Originally Answered: Is rollerblading easier than roller skating? Roller blading is more faster to gain speed and there is less friction and less painful on the knees compared to roller skating which takes more pushes to gain enough speed. So if you want to learn at a slow speed use roller skates.
Can I ice skate if I can roller skate?
Most viewed in ice skating. As a professional figure skater turned roller skating enthusiast, I can say yes, it’s definitely easier to learn to roller skate if you can ice skate, BUT in artistic roller skating (their version of figure skating, using quad skates) it’s harder work to achieve the same moves.
Are inline skates good practice for ice skating?
From experience and research, inline skates are good practice for ice skating. Ice Skating and inline skating are similar since they use the same skating techniques like bending low, stopping, turning, and safe falling.
Does roller skating burn calories?
Roller skating is recognized and recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA) as an aerobic fitness sport. Just one hour of moderate roller skating burns 330 calories for a 143-pound person. If that same person roller skates vigorously, he or she will burn up to 590 calories in an hour.
Is street hockey good practice for ice hockey?
For those who find traveling to the local rink may inconvenient or costly, street hockey can be a great way to continue development when temperature rises. Street hockey can also be a way to introduce a friend to the game of hockey before committing to purchasing a bag full of equipment.