Product description. Features: The detacher consists of several strong permanent magnets and removes various kinds of standard tags. Popular in retailing and EAS system. It will save you time with its amazing strength.
Similarly, what is a magnet detacher? Sensor tag remover for clothes D006 is univeral magnet security tag detacher. This censor tag remover for clothes can mostly reach agnetic force of 15000GS. … It is able to remove pins from almost all magnetic hard tags.
Moreover, how do you remove a golf security tag? Gator tags and magnet-remove tags do NOT have a hole on the side of them. To remove these types of tags you need a special tag remover that looks like this: If you look at the upper left of the image above, you can see that you slide the security sensor into the tool, then you pull the trigger on the tool.
Furthermore, what does a S3 HandKey unlock? KEY FEATURES: Its durable surface unlocks the entire line of S3, Standard Lock, XT and Super XT products. The deployable handheld portion is attached to the mounted base with a robust 60” cable to keep the key secure while maintaining its flexibility.
Also, what is a Alpha S3 HandKey? The Alpha S3 HandKey is available in four configurations: Standard S3 HandKey is equipped with a 60” coiled lanyard that bolts directly into the POS and provide easy access and manageability. S3 HandKey and Dock comes with a convenient dock that is attached at the POS for storage when not in use.But there’s an important reason security tags are filled with ink –– it can be a helpful measure for retailers and deter potential shoplifters. If an item with an ink tag is purchased at a store, the cashier will remove it with a special device called a detacher after the customer pays.
Do security tags make noise?
The tags will sound an alarm if they come to close to the antennas. This will make it easy for your security staff to intervene when someone is trying to steal something. The antennas in themselves also look deterrent to potential shoplifters, they will if possible choose a different store to steal from instead.
What are the different types of security tags?
- EAS, visual and benefit denial. Select options.
- EAS tags.
- Benefit denial.
- Visual tags.
- Clothing tags.
- Fashion accessory tags.
- Bottle tags.
- Optical tags.
What are Spider tags?
The spider tag is adjustable, meaning it wraps around and protects goods that require open merchandising in their original packaging. Each lanyard wraps around the product and alarms when cut. The tag uses dual technology – AM 58KHz and RF 8.2MHz.
What’s an alpha key?
Key information The Alpha Key was the first key created by Tyler Locke, made from the Whispering Iron in the fishing lure given to him by his father, Rendell Locke.
What is an alpha key spider wrap?
Spider Wraps® have become the standard in high theft security. Their expandable cables are able to protect a wide range of medium to large-sized merchandise and the two-stage locking buckle assures a tight, secure fit. Alpha’s Spider Wraps are trusted by more than 500 retailers worldwide. Available in 1 Alarm.
How do I use Alpha S3?
How do you remove a magnetic spider wrap?
Bring the magnets close to the spider wraps and enclose the magnets with them. They can then be removed easily. Bring the magnets close to the spider wraps and enclose the magnets with them. They can then be removed easily.
How do you open a Alpha lock box?
- Roll the dials on the front of your Alpha lock box until the numbers, letters or numbers and letters of the preset factory or customized combination align with the red arrows to the left and right of the dials.
- Slide the switch on the front of the box down.
What’s inside a security tag?
Inside each security tag is a resonator, a device that picks up the transmitted signal and repeats it. The set of gates also contains a receiver that is progranmned to recognize whether it is detecting the target signal during the time gaps between the pulses being broadcast by the gates.
How do security stickers work?
Security labels They work in the same way as hard tags in that they are in constant communication with a store’s EAS antenna, causing an alarm to sound if they pass the antenna without being deactivated. However, labels can be quickly adhered to products and are flat or feature a very low profile.
How can you tell if a security tag has ink in it?
Ink tags: First determine if the tag is an ink tag, which is usually white or red and circular and usually says it contains red, pink, or blue and yellow ink that may combine. If you try to remove it improperly the tag will “explode” marking the thief — or you — and the item with ink.
What happens if you pull off a security tag?
If you take the security tag off the jacket and leave the store with it, on top of being charged with removal of the device, you could also be prosecuted for theft. The charges for this offense range from a simple misdemeanor to a class “C” felony.
Do security tags have batteries?
Simple RFID tags are described as passive. Instead of containing batteries, they work entirely by responding to the incoming radio waves from the scanner or transmitter. There is just enough energy in those radio waves to activate the RFID chip.
Can security tags be tracked?
Without a detection system, security tags are useless. The detection system usually is connected to software that controls the sensitivity, volume and duration of the alarm. Sensormatic and Checkpoint are the two most commonly used retail security programs.
What metal is in security tags?
These tags are made of a strip of amorphous metal (metglas) which has a very low magnetic saturation value.