Golf bag in hard-sided golf bag carrying case provided by Passenger, including clubs, balls, and shoes. Hooded golf bags or golf bags in a soft-sided carrying case provided by the Passenger will be subject to limited release. Note: Overweight charges will apply to golf bags exceeding 50 pounds.
Additionally, how much does it cost to bring golf clubs on a plane? Most US airlines charge $35 for a second bag, which is what your golf clubs usually are. Many charge much more, $75-$150, if you need to check a third bag.
Subsequently, does it cost extra to check golf clubs? You can check your golf bag for free and check another bag or use it as a carry-on. Other airlines charge between $25-$50 for checked bags and have strict weight and size limits which makes it expensive if you’re bringing multiple sets.
Also the question is, are golf clubs free on Southwest? “Golf clubs will be accepted in substitution of one of the two free pieces of checked baggage at no additional charge provided the bag does not exceed 50 pounds in weight.”
Beside the above, is it cheaper to fly with golf clubs or ship them? At the most basic level, checking a golf bag is often a little cheaper than shipping them. (Ship Sticks offers a base rate of $39 for bags under 42 pounds.) Southwest Airlines still costs nothing as long as it’s one of your first two checked bags. On other airlines, it’s $20-$100 to check bags.
What is the best way to travel with golf clubs?
- Try to get a non-stop flight.
- Get a durable, well-made travel bag.
- If you use a soft-sided bag, don’t forget to pack a golf club protection device.
- Don’t forget that golf bags are considered “oversized check-in”.
- Add some personal ID marking to your bag.
Are golf clubs considered checked baggage?
You may check one golf bag (per passenger) as a standard item of checked baggage, as long as equipment is contained safely and meets the size requirement. Standard baggage charges apply.
Can I fly with golf clubs?
Most airlines treat golf clubs as standard luggage, meaning there’s a weight limit (usually 50 pounds) but no oversize baggage fee. If your clubs go missing, the carrier will replace them (just be prepared to deal with paperwork and, in all likelihood, long hold times on calls should you need additional assistance).
What if my bag weighs more than 50 lbs American Airlines?
American Airlines overweight baggage is considered any bag weighing more than 50lbs. The fees for checking overweight baggage are $100 for bags weighing 51-70lbs and $200 for bags weighing 71-100lbs. These fees are charged in addition to any standard, excess or oversized baggage fees.
Can you carry-on golf clubs on a plane?
Security. The Transportation Security Administration, a U.S. federal agency, prohibits golf clubs as carry-on items, according to its website. There are no exceptions, even if your club is a prized antique or has some other special significance.
Does Southwest Airlines charge for golf bags?
Your skis2. When submitting ski equipment for one free bag, Southwest Airlines allows up to two bags (containing one set of snow skis, ski poles, and snow boots) to count as one item, even if they are packed and tagged separately. and golf bags3. fly free too!
Are golf bags over 62?
All checked bags must not exceed 62″ (157.48 cm) in overall dimensions (length + width + height) and cannot exceed 50 pounds (22.73 kg). Please note: boxes will not be accepted as checked baggage on international flights. Bags larger than 80 inches will not be accepted. Golf equipment is accepted on all flights.
Do golf bags fly free?
As long as your bags aren’t oversized or overweight, you probably won’t incur any fees for flying with golf equipment, but as noted, there are some carriers that have quirky rules you need to be aware of.
How much does USPS charge for golf clubs?
USPS Retail Ground delivery is $104 and also takes eight days. Regular Priority Mail would take four days and cost $124. Priority Mail Express can get your clubs to their destination in three days for $285. When you combine speed and price, UPS is the cheapest option to ship your golf clubs in three to four days.
How much does FedEx charge to ship golf clubs?
FedEx Options Shipping golf clubs via FedEx Ground within the U.S. is often less than $100 each way. There’s an $11 handling fee if you ship clubs without a box. Keep in mind that domestic ground service can take up to four days.
What is the cheapest way to ship a golf club?
The United States Postal Services (USPS) is likely your cheapest way to ship clubs. Check our rate calculator real quick to see. A bonus of using USPS is they provide free Priority Mail Cardboard Mailing Tubes for golf clubs.
Should I bring my golf clubs on vacation?
If you are traveling to one location – If your trip is to one destination and you will remain there the entire time, it makes sense to bring your own golf clubs. Having one destination eliminates any extra baggage fees for multiple flights, which could add up fast. And, you eliminate multiple rental club fees.
Is Ship Sticks cheaper than FedEx?
However, Ship Sticks offers rates up to 60% cheaper than going directly through FedEx.
How do you book flights with golf clubs?
If you’re planning to fly with golf clubs, first thing to check is the airline policy. Some airlines will accept golf clubs as your one allowed bag, provided it comes in within the weight limits. Others will include golf clubs along within “sporting equipment” and a surcharge will apply.
Can I put clothes in my golf travel bag?
There is often a fair bit of space left inside the travel bag once my golf bag has been inserted, so utilise this by placing a bag of clothes in here. Indeed, some golf travel bags, such as the Big Max Double Decker Travel Cover, come with clothes pockets built in. 3. Use your weight allowances.
How many checked bags do you get with Southwest?
Baggage Allowance Southwest allows two (2) checked pieces of baggage per ticketed Customer.
How heavy is a set of golf clubs?
A set of golf clubs would weigh about 15 pounds or 6.8 kg. With a carry bag, the total would be about 18 pounds or 8.2 kg. Using a cart bag instead of a carry bag, the total would be about 20 pounds or 9.1 kg. Using a staff bag, the total would be about 25 – 35 pounds or 11.3 – 15.9 kg.
Can you fly with golf balls?
Golf balls, golf tees, divot tools and golf spikes/cleats are allowed in your carry-on luggage. However, all golf clubs and putters must be checked with your airline.
Can you gate check golf clubs?
Many airlines require that golf bags be transported as checked luggage – even a single club cannot be taken aboard as a carry-on item. Depending on the airline you use and the nature of your ticket, you may have to pay for each piece of checked baggage. Most airlines allow checked bags up to 50 pounds.
How much does a bag of golf clubs weigh?
How Much Do Golf Clubs Weigh? In general, the average set of golf clubs will weigh around 25-30 pounds. This includes a set of 14 clubs in a standard-sized golf bag. The average golf bag weighs from 3-5 pounds.