Most often, the number of dimples per golf ball falls between 300 and 500. For example, the 2017/18 model of the popular Titleist Pro V1 has 352 dimples on it, while Titleist’s other flagship ball from the same year, the Pro V1x, has 328 dimples.
Moreover, how many holes does a golf ball last? Without visible damage, a golf ball can last up to seven 18-hole rounds without any loss of performance. In fact, you are more likely to lose a golf ball on the course before it just wears out. But as soon as the ball feels rough, you should replace it.
Also, how many holes does a British golf ball have? Every round of golf is based on playing a number of holes in a given order. A “round” typically consists of 18 holes that are played in the order determined by the course layout. Each hole is played once in the round on a standard course of 18 holes.
In this regard, what do you call the dimples on a golf ball? In most cases, golf ball dimples are simply referred to as dimples. However, there are some instances when they will be called indentations or more thoroughly referred to as the golf ball dimples pattern.
Additionally, do golf balls have holes?

Are 20 year old golf balls still good?
So keep your balls in a cool, dry place and they will last for awhile. The golf ball researchers at Titleist state, “Today’s Titleist golf balls can be safely stored for five years or even more, as long as they are kept away from excessive heat. … Normal indoor conditions should be fine for storage.”
How many balls can a golfer carry?
There’s no limit to how many golf balls a player can carry in his or her bag, so long as they comply with the One Ball Rule, which dictates the same model and manufacturer. Rich Beem used to play with a new ball on every hole. Ernie Els believes there was only one birdie in any ball.
What makes a golf ball Illegal?
If golf equipment is made to assist players too much, the sport will not be the same. Golf balls become illegal when they travel too far or too straight. When an average golfer can hit the ball the way a professional does, even without the same swing or talent, the golf ball is illegal.
What is the one ball rule in golf?
What is the one ball rule? A. The one ball rule is an optional condition that Committees may choose to use. If this rule is in effect, you must play with the same brand, make and model of golf ball that you started the round with.
Can you dent a golf ball?
A single dent is noticeable enough. An incident with a golf ball can leave you with ugly stretched damage that can really take away from the beauty, value, and look. Conventional body shop repairs for golf ball damage tend to be much more expensive and time consuming.
How many dimples are on a regulation ball?
Generally, the number is anywhere between 300 and 500 dimples. American golf balls, more often than not, come with 336 dimples. While how many dimples on a British golf ball, they have 330 dimples. As for the highest number of dimples, that would be Ultra 500 Series Golf Balls (500 dimples).
Why are golf ball dimples different sizes?
The dimples work to break the air around the ball in flight, and have two key characteristics that are measured: Lift and Drag. The ideal dimple design is a combination balancing the lift and drag of the ball. We vary the diameters, shapes, total coverage, edge angles to control these two key variables.
Are all golf balls the same?
What is the standard Golf ball size? In today’s golf world, there is only one standard size golf ball that is legal in tournament play and authorized to sell in golf shops. The standard size golf ball today is 1.68 inches, but before the nineteen eighties, the minimum size was 1.62 inches.
Why are golf balls numbered?
Golf balls have numbers on them, quite simply, as a way of making it easier for golfers to identify their golf ball when they play. Back when there were fewer types of golf balls, and their markings weren’t as differentiated, it was difficult for golfers to figure out which ball was theirs.
What would happen if a golf ball has no dimples?
Dimples help the ball fly through the air because they help the ball lift. If a ball doesn’t lift, it travels forward like a half-inflated balloon, subject to any and all outside interferences. If a ball only has dimples on one of its sides, it’s practically impossible to hit the ball straight.
Can you microwave a golf ball?
Does water ruin golf balls?
It depends on how long a golf ball has immersed underwater. Even waterlogged golf balls can last a long time, but their playing effectiveness will decrease. When a more significant fracture appears on the ball’s cover, and the water invades the inner part on a bigger scale, the water can ruin the golf ball.
Do golf balls lose distance over time?
A wound ball which is approximately 10 years old, stored at room temperatures and low humidity, will have lost about 0.5 to 1.0 % of its IV (Initial Velocity) which will affect its distance by a couple of yards.
Is a 3 wood better than a driver?
For many golfers, a 3 wood will give overall better results than a driver and can be used regularly off the tee and even replace the driver. So a 3 wood is a valuable club that can give you the needed distance off the tee and is more versatile than a driver.
Can golf balls freeze?
Even when golf is played in colder conditions, the distance will be affected. Never store golf balls in a freezer as a way to preserve them, you will be doing more harm than good.