Battison: But if we have an airliner, we do have those seats that can’t hold the golf balls. Josaphat: 56,784 cubic feet divided by 12 cubic feet. That total answer would be 4,732 golf balls.
In regards to, how many golf balls can fit in a airplane? How Many Golf Balls Fit In An Airplane? 23.5 million golf balls will fit in an airplane of the diameter of the ball is 1.6 inches and the plane is 747.
Similarly, how many golf balls will fit in a 747? Three thousand x 10,368 cubic inches means we have 31,104,000 cubic inches of space available. At three cubic inches per ball, a 747 could hold 10,368,000 balls.
Beside the above, can you bring golf balls on a plane? Golf balls, golf tees, divot tools and golf spikes/cleats are allowed in your carry-on luggage. However, all golf clubs and putters must be checked with your airline.
Amazingly, how many golf balls can fit in a suitcase? Number of golf balls is 1,548.
Shienfield estimates that companies like his and others in the market recycle and sell over 100 million balls a year. That figure doesn’t account for those balls that golfers find themselves and reuse. This is likely the lion’s share, too—who among us hasn’t put into play a ball they found on the course?
How many golf balls will fit in the Empire State Building?
25,780,645,161 balls. This of course disregards the irregularity of the structure and assumes the 37 million cubic feet is a volume of a simple box.
How many balls can fit in a car?
Leaving about 280,000 cubic inches as the final volume of the car. So, the total number of tennis balls is 280,000 (volume of a car) divided by 4 (volume of a tennis ball), which will be equal to approximately 70,000. Meaning that about 70,000 tennis balls will fit into a regular car.
How many footballs can fit in a bus?
74*495,000) = 366,000 Balls. Suppose a standard school bus is about 8 feet wide by 6 feet high by 20 feet long – An assumption. It means 8 x 6 x 20 = 960 cubic feet volume capacity. Since, there are 12 x 12 x 12 = 1728 cubic inches in a cubit foot, that means about 960×1728 = 1.6 million cubic inches.
How much is it to take golf clubs on a plane?
Most US airlines charge $35 for a second bag, which is what your golf clubs usually are. Many charge much more, $75-$150, if you need to check a third bag.
Can I fly with my golf clubs?
Most airlines treat golf clubs as standard luggage, meaning there’s a weight limit (usually 50 pounds) but no oversize baggage fee. If your clubs go missing, the carrier will replace them (just be prepared to deal with paperwork and, in all likelihood, long hold times on calls should you need additional assistance).
Does a golf bag count as a checked bag?
You may check one golf bag (per passenger) as a standard item of checked baggage, as long as equipment is contained safely and meets the size requirement. Standard baggage charges apply.
How many golf balls can you put in a 5 gallon bucket?
The Calculations The volume of a US five-gallon bucket is 18927cm3 divide by 40.68cm3 the volume of a standard golf ball. When you divide your answer will be 465, which means a 5-gallon bucket will contain 465 golf balls.
Why is a tennis ball fuzzy?
Originally, tennis balls were stitched with flannel to keep them from going too fast, but eventually, this was replaced with the felt nylon we use today! The felt nylon, or fuzz, is a drag force on the ball. As air goes through the fuzz, the ball slows down, keeping it from going crazy fast!
How many golf balls are there in Florida?
Seeing as 7% of America’s golf courses are in Florida, we’ll say there are 210 million golf balls in Florida.
Can old golf balls be recycled?
Like every other sports object, a golf ball has myriads of uses even when they are old and out of use. Since they cannot be recycled, the best option is to improvise ways of using them to prevent them from causing harm to the environment.
Are refurbished golf balls as good as new ones?
Instead of blasting the cover clean and then re-coat and re-paint, these balls are improved cosmetically based on need. Basically, if there is an arrow that needs painting or a logo that’s fading the refurbished process will make them look as good as new.
How much are golf balls worth?
Generally you’ll be paid between 6 and 12 cents per ball selling them wholesale. If you’re good at collecting, that can add up to hundreds of dollars daily. If you’re not a diver, or you don’t find more than a few hundred balls at a time, you might consider retailing the used golf balls yourself.
How many golf balls fit in a wheelbarrow?
Divide that 2.5 cubic inches into 1.6 million and you come up with 660,000 golf balls. However, since there are seats and crap in there taking up space and also since the spherical shape of a golf ball means there will be considerable empty space between them when stacked, I’ll round down to 500,000 golf balls.
How many golf balls would it take to circle the Earth at the equator?
Number of golf balls required will be the circumference of the earth/diameter of one golf ball. Which comes out to be around ONE BILLION golf balls!
How many tennis balls fit in the earth?
A tennis ball weighs between 1.975 and 2.095 ounces, so if each one averages 2 ounces so 8 balls equal 1 lb. Therefore as 559,577 x 8 = 4,476,616 that is your answer.