What do we think about when we think about football? Football is about so many things: memory, history, place, social class, gender (especially masculinity, but increasingly femininity too), family identity, tribal identity, national identity, the nature of groups.
Subsequently, what we think about when we think about Football review? I loved this book, which blends football and critical theory – an unlikely pairing as other reviewers have noted. I enjoyed his application of the ideas to a sport I regularly watch. It was the fitting together I admired, feeling it enriched both the ideas and the sport.
Moreover, what we think about when we think about soccer summary? In this irresistible treatise on how soccer came to be the dominant sport around the globe, Critchley (The Book of Dead Philosophers) weds insights gleaned from a career studying Continental philosophers to his observations and experiences of soccer managers, players, fans, and even his own family.