
What is the erik fisher football dream?

The Erik Fisher Football Dream is actually the Mr. Fisher Football Dream. He goes around telling everyone he’s “always regretted not being big enough to play football” at college (1.3. 37).

Also the question is, what is the Erik Fisher football dream summarize it? What is the “Erik Fisher Football Dream”? The Erik Fisher Football Dream is for Erik to play football for a division one college football team. A symbol is something concrete (U.S. flag) that stands for something abstract (freedom).

Moreover, what happened to Erik in Tangerine? Paul then persuades Joey Costello to join Tangerine Middle School. After a quarrel with Paul, Joey returns to Lake Windsor. … While at Paul’s house for a school project, Tino makes fun at how Erik fell down while attempting to a kick an extra point during an earlier football game, so Erik slaps him.

Considering this, what is Erik Fisher in Tangerine? In the novel, Tangerine by Edward Bloor, Erik is characterized as a psychopath. Erik is callous to the people around him. On page 113, it says “Erik carrying all of him football gear, swiped at Arthur with his helmet and said ‘Hey check it out it’s Mohawk Man’s brother.

Similarly, what grade is Erik Fisher in Tangerine? Main Characters The protagonist, is twelve years old and in seventh grade. He is considered to be legally blind. He plays soccer, mostly as goalie.How does Paul’s dad get promoted? The civil engineer, Charley Burns, was taking bribes and not doing any research on the land before construction. When he is fired, Paul’s dad get promoted to the job.

Why did Erik Fisher quit soccer?

Why did Erik Fisher quit soccer as a child, according to Paul? Paul was better than he was. Erik was not very good at soccer. Erik could get more attention playing football.

Who confronts Erik in the Fishers backyard?

Fisher has about Erik’s grades slipping. Paul can watch football practice while he’s waiting. He hides under the bleachers there to avoid Erik and Arthur, and sees that practice is over. Luis’s pick-up truck drives up, and Paul watches as Luis confronts Erik about hurting Tino—verbally confronts him, that is.

Why did Erik punch Tino?

(7) Why does Erik punch Tino? Erik punched Tino because Tino had started to make fun of Eric about his bad football game. You just studied 25 terms!

Is Tangerine a true story?

Based on a true story and shot completely on an iPhone 5, the movie takes place over just one day, and follows Sin-Dee (Kitana Kiki Rodriguez) as she hunts down the woman who hooked up with her boyfriend, Chester (James Ransone).

What crimes did Erik commit in Tangerine?

  1. Paul’s neighbors gather at his house for the meeting.
  2. Mrs.
  3. She admits to everyone that Erik and Arthur had been the ones robbing the neighborhood.
  4. Erik would keep watch outside homes tented for termites, while Arthur put on a gas mask and robbed them.
  5. Mr.
  6. The theft victims are mad.

How does Paul go blind in Tangerine?

Erik held Paul’s eyes open while Castor sprayed white spray paint into them. Paul’s mom tried to rinse his eyes out afterwards, but ended up having to drive him to the hospital. That’s it.

What is Paul’s dad’s favorite topic in Tangerine?

Paul and his dad. ” I thought to my self, OK, here we are how long did it take Dad to get to his favorite topic, the Erik Fisher Football Dream? ” this shows that Paul and his dad’s relationship is not the usual father son bind because Paul thinks that his dad favorites Erik. Pg. 11.

How old is Paul in Tangerine?

Tangerine is about 12 year old Paul Fisher, who moves from Texas to Tangerine County, Florida where strange things occur. Legally blind, Paul struggles with distant memories to discover how he became blind, an event that he thinks has something to do with his older brother, Erik.

WHO calls Paul fisherman?

Luis also counts. The Nicknamer: Victor from the Tangerine Middle School soccer team. He’s the one who dubs Paul “Fisher Man,” and calls Joey “Tuna” after noticing how close he sticks to “Fisher Man.” There’s another boy on the team named Cesar, who he calls “Cesar Salad” up until he scores a goal.

How did Mr Fisher affect Paul in Tangerine?

Fisher makes that affects Paul is the choice to reveal and accept the fact that Erik has a mental sickness. On Saturday December 3rd, Grandmom and Grandpop arrived at the Fisher household, after the sheriff’s deputies took Arthur Bauer to jail for murder and Erik was told he had to stay in his house from then on.

What is Paul’s punishment for assaulting a teacher?

What is Paul punishment for assaulting a teacher? He gets expelled from all Tangerine public schools.

What happened to Mike Costello on September 5th?

Tuesday, September 5 Mike Costello actually died. Erik and Arthur pull up to their house after football practice and tell Mrs. Fisher and Paul that Mike was leaning on the goalpost when lightning struck it. It singed off all the hair on the left side of his head, and threw him a few feet into the air.

How does Erik affect Paul in Tangerine?

Erik decided to make fun of Paul by, saying that he is blind now because he looked up at he eclipse without protection. This is an impact on Paul because now he believes that is true even though he doesn’t remember. It also impacts him because he is always thinking back to that day.

What happened during Paul’s phone conversation with Cara What did Joey tell Paul that happened?

When Paul doesn’t respond, Cara ends the conversation. Stunned, Paul calls Joey and tells him that his girlfriend just called him wanting to know if he likes Kerri. Joey says that he was being scammed. He guesses that Kerri was listening on an extension.

Why does Paul go over to Tino and Theresa’s house?

Paul goes over to Theresa and Tino house because he needed to be there to help with the Science/English project. Luis would tell them about the Golden Dawn tangerine. In a flashback Paul has about his old home in Houston, he remembers how his parents discovered the problem with his peripheral vision.

What page in tangerine did Erik spray paint Paul’s eyes?

And though Paul is surrounded with Erik’s trouble and evil, Paul received strength through it as well. To start with, in a fit of rage, Erik and his ‘goon’, Castor, decide to spray paint five-year-old Paul’s eyes. Page 255 says, “I turned around and saw Vincent Castor.

What does fighting the freeze mean *?

What does “fighting the freeze” mean? It is a football play that Erik has been practicing. Staying in the house to keep warm when it is really cold outside. Working to keep the citrus trees from dying in the cold weather.

How does Paul feel when he leaves Tangerine middle school?

Paul is expelled from Tangerine Middle School for assaulting the football coach. He leaves feeling happy and hopeful, having gained the respect and awe of his soccer team and fellow students. He promises Tino he’ll be over to help in the tangerine groves soon, even though he has to transfer to St.

Why is the book called Tangerine?

Tangerine is an all-around awesome title for this book. It’s actually got a triple meaning—that’s three times the tangerine-y goodness! It refers to the name of the county the Fishers move to in Florida—Tangerine County. It’s not a real place, but who cares—it sounds delicious.

What does Paul do during Luis’s funeral?

What does Paul do during Luis’s funeral? He digs a hole underneath the sod and puts his face near it. He begins to cry in rememberence of Luis and buries his tears in the hole.

SEE ALSO:  What is a football manager?
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