Football is always on and it is a good way for a child to learn the sport by themselves. … Your son or daughter will benefit from playing the sport. They will develop skills that will turn them into model citizens and responsible adults. This sport benefits them in the long run and will mold them for the future.
Furthermore, why you shouldn’t let your kid play football? SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Tackle football is dangerous for children. Children who play tackle football absorb repeated hits to the head. As adults, they’re at higher risk of suffering cognitive deficits as well as behavioral and mood problems.
Also, should parents let their child play football pros and cons?
- Pro: Playing football can help kids stay in shape.
- Con: Football players are at high risk for concussions.
- Pro: Kids who play sports do better in school.
- Con: Injuries can have long-lasting effects.
- Pro: Organized sports help teach kids life lessons.
Moreover, is it safe to play football? Football is a great way to be part of a team and stay physically active. But football is a contact sport, so injuries do happen. Doctors and scientists are studying how repeatedly hitting the head during tackling affects the brain. These injuries can cause serious brain problems later in life.
Also the question is, what are the dangers of football? The dangers of professional football is a hot topic. Studies have found high rates of concussions, traumatic brain injuries, and a serious brain disorder called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) in former players. These injuries can have terribly debilitating effects.
How do you convince your parents to let you play football?
- Decide: Think of something you want to do or work towards.
- Write it down.
- Tell your parents: Telling someone you know about your goals also seems to increase the likelihood that you will stick at them. (your parents will remind you).
- Break your goal down.
- Plan your first step.
- Keep going.
- Celebrate. ( play football)
Why should football be banned?
Football causes continuous concussions, causes long term medical problems and causes different types of trauma to their body and affects their overall health. High School Football should be banned because of the Physical and Mental Damage It Causes to Athletes.
Should I let my 10 year old play tackle football?
Many leagues introduce tackle football for players as young as five (5) years old, but some organizations recommend measures to avoid head impacts until later ages. The brain is undergoing critical developmental processes during childhood and adolescence that may be compromised by repeated hits to the head.
Why is football good for your mental health?
Sports like football literally get the blood pumping, which is critical for transporting more oxygen and essential nutrients to the brain. According to a 2006 study, exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function.
Why should I be allowed to play football?
Participating in football—like any sport—provides many health benefits for children. It’s a physically demanding game that provides an opportunity for players to improve their speed, agility, strength, hand-eye coordination and overall cardiovascular endurance.
Why do parents let their kids play football?
Positives that kids can get from football Off the football field, the sport teaches kids about life, setting goals for their lives, and it even sets friendships they will keep for the rest of their lives. Building all these things in a young person’s life is crucial at this stage of their life.
Should kids play sports?
Participation in sports allows kids to make lasting friendships, develop communication skills, feel a sense of community and learn to respect their teammates and coaches. Even athletes in individual sports learn to work as a team with their coach and make lasting friendships with others in their sport.
Why is football the best sport?
Some reasons that make football the best sport are: Football includes mental and physical stamina – Football is time-based and commonly it lasts for just ninety minutes. … Football includes lots of mental and physical stamina as jogging or running for ninety minutes do consume lots of energy from the players’ body.
Is football a violent sport?
American football is violent enough for many parents to discourage their sons from every playing it, but it remains for many a rough and tumble, much beloved sport.
What are the disadvantages of playing football?
The major disadvantage to playing football is the high risk of injury. Even with every possible safety precaution followed to the letter, scrapes, bruises, sprains, joint dislocations, broken bones and concussions are all possible on any play.
Is football important to society?
It has a lot of power to change things in life, not just my life, but in wider society. Football brings everyone together, it brings smiles to people’s faces, it brings races together and more. Football is a symbol that means that everyone can- at the same time, compete and live together.
Why do my parents not want me to play football?
You really want to try out a new sport, but your parents are against the idea. … Parents can be against the idea of trying out a sport for a number of reasons. They may think it’s too expensive, too dangerous, or that it would be a distraction from your schoolwork.
What do you do when your parents won’t let you play football?
How do you convince your parents to let you play sports?
- Understand why the parent is sending their child to school.
- Suggest sport as a break from intense studying.
- Use sport as an incentive for commitment to studies.
- Show interest in youth’s academic achievements by visiting their school and tracking their grades.