They explain that when a player stopped his dribble and beginning his lay up, the first non dribbling step is a gather step. During the gathering step, the ball is not in the player’s control and therefore should not count as a real step.
In this regard, why does the NBA allow 3 steps? Simply put, it looks like 3 steps, but the first step is a gather step, NBA players are really good at using it ant it looks like they are taking 3 steps, for example many people think that Hardens stepback is a travel, sometimes it is, but mostly he is using a gather step.
You asked, are you allowed to take 3 steps in the NBA? At first glance, it sure looks like Harden is taking three steps before he scores the ball, which would be against the rules and should be whistled as a travel. But if you look at the NBA rule book and watch the play again, it’s pretty clear this isn’t traveling. It’s a totally legal move.
Amazingly, can you take 3 steps for a layup? You’re allowed to take two steps when completing a layup. That means your foot may touch the ground twice after you’ve stopped dribbling before you release the ball. This is the same in all levels of basketball.
Frequent question, how many steps are you allowed in NBA basketball? A player who receives the ball while he is progressing or upon completion of a dribble, may take two steps in coming to a stop, passing or shooting the ball. A player who receives the ball while he is progressing must release the ball to start his dribble before his second step.Since the Euro step is an offensive move that does not exceed the allotted two steps, it does not constitute a traveling violation. Some referees will call a legitimate Euro step traveling when players initiate the move with a gather step, as they pick up their dribble.
Why is the step back not a travel?
Harden’s step-back jumper is an exception to the traveling rule. This is due to a section in the NBA rulebook that deals with traveling. … James Harden’s step-back jumper includes a “gather step” that allows him to gather the ball, then take two steps. He does the “gather step” just in time to avoid traveling.
Is it OK when dribbling a basketball to lose control of it?
A player who has already completed their dribble and puts both hands on the ball but doesn’t control it, accidentally drops or fumbles the ball, it touches the floor and the player regains control of it again by picking it up. This is perfectly legal and no violation has occurred.
Can you take 2 steps without dribbling?
It’s only legal if you’re on the move. If you’re moving such running, cutting, or going toward the basket then you can take two steps without dribbling to take a lay up or take a jump shot. If you were on the move while catching the ball, you can also take two steps after catching the ball to come to a full stop.
How many steps can you take in basketball without traveling?
How Many Steps is a Travel Violation? Generally speaking, a travel foul occurs when a player takes more than two steps without dribbling the ball. The player can move independently as long as they continue to dribble.
Why is traveling not called in the NBA?
Yup, to make more money, the NBA calls less traveling and concentrates on the contact fouls. Even just last season, the NBA changed the shooting foul concept so that free throws are awarded less. Free throws take A LOT of the running time they have on TV and cutting that down saves them money.
What is the NBA traveling rule?
In basketball, traveling is a violation of the rules that occurs when a player holding the ball moves one or both their feet illegally. … If the pivot foot is lifted, a pass or try for made basket must be made before the pivot foot is replaced to the floor.
Is dribbling the ball high a carry?
You can dribble as high as you want to dribble as long as your hand stays on top of the basketball. If your hand ends up on the bottom of the basketball it is a carry and the opposing team is awarded the basketball.
Does a gather step count as a step?
Is Double Stepback a travel?
The notorious double step back he took during the game against Denver was a travel, as he took 2 step backs, and never dribbled. So, he doesn’t usually travel, but when he does it isn’t called.
Can you travel while dribbling?
You must either shoot or pass the ball. Otherwise, it is a travel. So you cannot jump while you are dribbling.