- Eat a high-carb meal 2 hours before the game.
- Drink lots of water before and during the game.
- Jog and stretch to warm up your muscles.
- Do shooting and ball-handling drills on the court.
- Get to the gym at least 45 minutes before the game.
- Rest. Your body needs rest.
- Water. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water.
- Lock In. I know it is hard to stay game-focused all day, every game day.
- Stretch. This may seem like a given, but it is something too many players take for granted.
10. Routine.
Considering this, what should I do the day before a big basketball game?

Also know, what should I eat the night before a basketball game?
- Eggs with Low-Fat Cheese, Wheat Toast, and Apple Juice.
- Pasta with Sliced Tomatoes, Garlic, and Turkey Breast with Red Pepper.
- Sweet Potatoes, Green Salad, Roasted Chicken Breast, and Asparagus.
- Almonds, Protein Shake, and Bananas.
- Rice, Broccoli, Lean Beef with Orange Juice.
- Mixed Fruits, Protein Bar, and Greek Yogurt.
As many you asked, what should I do 2 hours before a basketball game? 2 or More Hours Before Game Time “Eat a bigger meal with plenty of fluids, especially water,” says Turner. “An athlete’s plate should be half full of starch, a quarter protein, and a quarter non-starchy vegetables. With more than 2 hours before game time, I suggest having a more substantial meal.
Additionally, what should I do the night before a game? To help promote sleep in the evening, shut off TV’s, computers and smart phones, take a shower or bath, and do some stretching or reading to focus your mind and reduce pre-game anxiety. Make sure you have everything you need for the competition set out and ready so there is nothing to worry about.
How do you prepare for a game the day before?
- Visualize yourself winning the game.
- Be optimistic.
- Stay focused.
- Cut back on training.
- Sleep early.
- Eat a high-carb dinner and breakfast.
- Prepare what you need the day before the competition.
- Meditate.
How can I get more energy before a basketball game?
- Protein Shake.
- Power Oatmeal.
- Whole Grain Pasta With Red Sauce and Grilled Chicken.
- Turkey Sandwich on Wheat Bread with a Peanut Butter Banana.
- Peanut Butter and Jelly With a Twist.
Can I play basketball on an empty stomach?
According to AP’s director of performance nutrition, Amanda Carlson-Phillips, the answer is no. She says that if you attempt to train on an empty stomach, your performance will suffer when you work out at higher intensities and for longer durations.
How can I get energy before a game?
- Don’t forget to sleep. Get some good rest the night before a game.
- Start with a good breakfast and lunch.
- H20 is your friend, so drink lots of it.
- Sports drinks to the rescue.
- Beware of energy drinks.
- Keep snacks on deck.
- Halftime = break time.
- Practice makes perfect.
Is sushi good before a game?
Something like sushi is a great thing to eat before a performance because it’s light but filling.
Is a banana good to eat before a basketball game?
In addition to water, sport drinks or fruit juices are good choices. If your practices or games are late in the afternoon, right after school, make sure you eat breakfast and lunch that day. Some fruit like bananas or oranges one hour before the practice or game would be a good booster.
How do you not get tired in basketball?
- Tip #1: Have a Specific Pregame Meal.
- Tip #2: Drink Water BEFORE the game, Practice, or Training Session.
- Tip #3: Prioritize Basketball Endurance When Building Muscle.
- Tip #4: Be Intentional About Cardio.
How do you prepare for the big game?
- Visualization. Visualization can be a very useful tool for all types of athletes.
- Sleep. Everyone knows the importance of sleep.
- Diet. Food is energy.
- Stretch. The importance of stretching cannot be stressed enough.
- Routine.
- Coaching.
What athletes do before a big game?
- Night Before the Game: Carb-load and Avoid New Foods. Starchy foods like pasta, rice and potatoes offer a carbohydrate-rich meal that will provide the right fuel for the next day’s event.
- Before the Game: Stay Hydrated and Don’t Eat Fats.
- During the Game: Refuel as Needed.
- Post-game: Repair with Protein.
Do athletes live longer?
A recent meta-analysis completed by Garatachea et al. [7] indicated that elite athletes live longer than the general population, with an all-cause pooled standard mortality ratio (SMR) of 0.67 (95 % confidence interval [CI] 0.55–0.81; P < 0.001).