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What is basketball called in french?

basket: panier; corbeille; Panier.

Furthermore, what is the French word for basketball? le basket-ball noun. basketball.

Best answer for this question, is basketball FEM or MASC in French? basket noun, masculine Le basket est un sport passionnant. Basketball is an exciting sport.

Quick Answer, how do you say baseball in French?

Moreover, how do you say volleyball in French? volleyball n. ballon de volley-ball nm. Ex : garçon – nm > On dira “le garçon” ou “un garçon”. ballon de volley nm.Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Basketball is the second most popular sport in France and was first played there in 1893. For females, it is the number one team sport.

What is soccer called in France?

  1. Le sport. Le sport (= sport) is a popular topic for French conversations. Especially le football (=soccer, football), which we also commonly call le foot.

What is pizza in French translation?

pizza à pâte épaisse nf.

What is the English of basket?

basket noun [C] (CONTAINER) a container like a rounded box, often with a handle, which is used for carrying or storing things and made of woven strips of dried grass or other material, or the amount such a container holds: a wicker basket. a wastepaper basket. a basket of flowers.

How do you say karate in French?

What is tennis in French language?

[ˈtɛnɪs ] tennis m. to play tennis jouer au tennis.

What sports are feminine in French?

  1. la voile. sailing.
  2. le roller. rollerblading.
  3. la randonnée. hiking.
  4. le vélo/le cyclisme. cycling.
  5. le ski. skiing.
  6. l’athlétisme (m) athletics.
  7. le football. football (soccer)
  8. le cricket. cricket.

How do you say sports in French?

What is the French word for netball?

Netball is a bit like basketball, and it’s often played by women. Le netball ressemble un peu au basket, et est souvent pratiqué par des femmes.

How do you write art in French?

art → art, enseignement du dessin, leçon de dessin.

How do you say drawing in French?

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