
How much strength do you need for contact dunks 2k20?

For ‘Pro Contact Dunk’, your player must be over 70 rated with and have a driving dunk of 84 or higher. For ‘Elite Contact Dunk’, your player must be over 70 rated, and have a driving dunk of 85 or more.

Frequent question, do u need strength for contact dunks? There’s no evidence to suggest that strength helps perform contact dunks. It helps with blow-bys and holding your ground in the paint, but you’ll be able to perform contact dunks even if you’re short on it.

People also ask, how much strength do you need for contact dunks 2k22? Pro Standing Contact Dunks (Must be at least 6’10”) — 80+ Standing Dunk and 65+ Vertical. Elite Standing Contact Dunks (Must be at least 6’10”) — 90+ Standing Dunk and 75+ Vertical.

Similarly, what weight do you need for contact dunks? Pro contacts: 84+ Driving Dunk and 70+ Vertical. Elite contacts: 92+ Driving Dunk and 80+ Vertical. Small contacts: 86+ Driving Dunk, 85+ Vertical, and you have to be Under 6’5″. Pro standing big man contacts: 80+ Standing Dunk, 65+ Vertical, and you have to be at least 6’10”.

You asked, how much strength do you need for contact dunks 2K21? For ‘Small Contact Dinks’, your player has to be 65 overall or over, has a diving dunk of 85 or more, and is a PG, SG, or a SF. And finally, for ‘Bigman Contact Dunks’, your player needs to be at least 65 overall, has a standing dunk of 75 or more, has at least 50 driving dunk, and is a PF or a C.In order to consistently get contact dunks you need to equip contact dunk packages and the Contact Finisher badge. The requirements to purchase and equip the Contact Dunk animations are as follows: Pro Contact Dunks: 70 Ovr, 80 Driving Dunk, 55 Vertical. Elite Contact Dunks: 70 Ovr, 90 Driving Dunk, 65 Vertical.

Can you dunk with a 50 driving dunk?

Can you get contact dunks without packages 2k20?

In order to consistently get contact dunks you need to equip contact dunk packages and the Contact Finisher badge. The requirements to purchase and equip the Contact Dunk animations are as follows: Pro Contact Dunks: 70 Ovr, Driving Dunk 84.

What 3pt rating is good in 2K22?

Go All In On Shooting A maximum of 95 to the Three-Point Shot is required. Players with gold badges and a score in the 80s can hit an occasional deep ball, but this build hits it consistently. This is not a build that settles for being the best shooting guard alive; it demands to be the best shooting guard of all time.

How much driving dunk do you need to get contact dunks 2k21?

The requirements to purchase and equip the Contact Dunk animations are as follows: Pro Contact Dunks: 70 Ovr, Driving Dunk 84. Elite Contact Dunks: 70 Ovr, Driving Dunk 85. Small Contact Dunks: 65 Ovr, Driving Dunk 85, PG, SG, SF.

What do u need for contact dunks 2K22?

  1. Contact Dunk Type. Dunk Attribute. Vertical.
  2. Pro Contact Dunks. Off Two. at least 84.
  3. Pro Contact Dunks. Off One. at least 84.
  4. Elite Contact Dunks. Off Two. at least 92.
  5. Elite Contact Dunks. Off One. at least 92.
  6. Small Contact Dunks. Off Two. at least 86.
  7. Small Contact Dunks. Off One.
  8. Pro Big Man. Contact Dunks.

Is slithery finisher good for contact dunks?

Slithery Finisher will help you evade the contact altogether, which is ideal for attacking the rim. Contact Finisher will help you make shots when you do take contact from defenders. Most slashers will probably want both.

Does strength matter for a slasher?

Strength matters a lot in terms of defense and not necessarily not getting dunked. … It can also change the way you play, you can get more blow-by and dunks. If you are a shooter, strength doesn’t matter so much, but for a slasher, strength matters most time.

Can U Get contact dunks with a 83 driving dunk?

Driving dunk for a Finishing & shooting pie chart for a 2 guard is 83 should be at least a 84 so we could at least get pro contact dunks since it’s mainly an offense build. 96 overall will increase your driving dunk to 84. … So you can still get contact dunks. Just not out the gate.

How do you get contact dunks with 83 dunk?

How do I get more contact dunks?

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