
How do you say play basketball in spanish?

¡Saben jugar básquetbol, no hay duda!

Furthermore, is basketball feminine or masculine in Spanish? baloncesto in Spanish is “BASKETBALL”.

Beside the above, does Baloncesto have an accent? Does Baloncesto Have An Accent? As Baloncesto is the penultimate syllable in the word Baloncesto, it is oxytone. Due to its paroxytone and ending in ‘n’,’s’, or vowel, it does not have a graphic accent.

Similarly, what is Joe’s in Spanish? US) tipo (inf) m ⧫ tío (inf) m. the average Joe el hombre de la calle.

Likewise, what does películas mean in English? movie in English is “PELÍCULA”.

What is cancha English?

votes. La chancha means that **1. court(of tennis,squash), field, pitch (of football, soccer), course (of golf) 2. open space, open ground, fenced yard 3. toasted (informal);maize or (British)corn (United States) **

How do you say basketball?

  1. Break ‘basketball’ down into sounds: [BAA] + [SKIT] + [BAWL] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
  2. Record yourself saying ‘basketball’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.

Are you Spanish friends nice in Spanish duolingo?

“¿Tus amigas españolas son simpáticas?” – Duolingo.

What is skate in Spanish?

patín in Spanish is “SKATE”.

How do you say basketball in hiragana?

バスケットボール (basukettobōru) basketball (noun) 男性がバスケットボールをしている。

Does Pepe Mean Joe in Spanish?

Pepe in Spanish is “JOE”.

What does Pepe mean in Spanish slang?

Pepe is a nickname for any person called José, but is also often used with different connotations.

Is Joshua a Spanish name?

Josué is the Spanish and Portuguese equivalent to the name Joshua. Joshua, in turn, comes from the Hebrew word “Yehoshu’a” which translates to “Yahweh is salvation.” Interestingly, the name also comes from a Greek translation of the Aramaic form of “Yeshu’a” which was the real name of Jesus.

Is semana el or LA?

La | Compare Spanish Words – SpanishDict. “Semana” is a noun which is often translated as “week”, and “la” is a definite article which is often translated as “the”.

What is Papi Chulo?

In Latin-American Spanish slang, a papi chulo is an attractive man. While the term originally names a pimp, it has broadened to refer to a ladies’ man.

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