Cradle the ball in your arm to keep it secure while you insert the needle tip into the basketball hole. Hold the base of the pump with one hand while you pull up on the handle. Push down on the handle to force air into the ball. Repeat pumping until the basketball is iNFLated.
Additionally, how do you pump up a basketball without a pump? Method #1Use Compressed Air to Pump Up Your Ball Well, with a compressed air canister, you have the perfect solution. The small straw that comes with the canned air will fit inside the ball’s hole perfectly. I’d suggest doing small bursts of air since the can will chill up rather quickly.
You asked, how do you iNFLate a basketball at home?
- Step 1: Attach the iNFLation needle to the air pump. How to attach the needle will depend on the type of air pump you are using.
- Step 2: Moisten the iNFLation needle.
- Step 3: Insert the needle into the valve.
- Step 4: Begin iNFLating.
- Step 5: Check the air pressure.
Also the question is, how do you iNFLate without a pump?

Subsequently, how do you iNFLate a basketball with a needle?
How do you pump up a basketball with a bike pump?
- Unscrew the fastener on the stem on one of your bike’s wheels and remove the stem.
- If there is any rubber coating on the stem, pull it off.
- Attach the stem to your pump.
- Insert the free end of the stem into your basketball.
- Start pumping.
How do you iNFLate a ball?
Can I pump my basketball at a gas station?
Gas stations and the bike shops usually have air pumps available. If you know how to use them correctly with your ball needle, then yes, you can iNFLate your basketball at the gas station or the bike shop. … You would then press the trigger or allow the air to flow into the ball automatically if it’s an automatic pump.
What is a Moisten needle?
The purpose of moistening the needle is to prevent the needle from damaging or pushing the valve into the bladder. Saliva is more viscous than water; which is better for being a lubricant.
How do you iNFLate a basketball with a manual pump?
Cradle the ball in your arm to keep it secure while you insert the needle tip into the basketball hole. Hold the base of the pump with one hand while you pull up on the handle. Push down on the handle to force air into the ball. Repeat pumping until the basketball is iNFLated.
How do you use a needle pump?
How much pressure do you need to pump a basketball?
NBA rules dictate that basketballs should be iNFLated to between 7.5 and 8.5 pounds per square inch. If the basketball is iNFLated below this level, it won’t bounce correctly.
How does a basketball pump work?
When the plunger is pushed down on a double-acting pump, it compresses one cylinder, pushing air out. At the same time, the other cylinder is pulled open, drawing in air from the outside. When the plunger is pulled back up, the open cylinder is compressed and the compressed cylinder is pulled up.
How do you get air out of a basketball without a needle?
If you don’t have an iNFLation needle handy, there are some other tools that can do the job. A bobby pin, a sewing needle, or any other long, thin, stiff implement. The important thing is that the width of the tool you use is not too wide that it might damage the basketball valve.
Why is my ball pump not working?
Inspect the barrel or the rubber pump of the tool. If the hand pump has a metal barrel, check for dents, holes or cracks. If it has a rubber pump, inspect it for punctures, cracks and deterioration due to time or exposure to the elements. In either case, if damage is noted, try to take the pump apart.