The bicep curl isolates the bicep muscles. Yet, depending on your grip strength, you can also target the forearms and grip. During the curl, place your palms down, or actively rotate a dumbbell. This will add size and strength to your arm, helping you with ball handling skills.
You asked, does biceps help in basketball? The biceps brachii are the muscles on the front of your upper arms. … When shooting a basketball, your biceps promote the movement of the ball from a position in front of your body to the shooting position. Notice how both elbows are bent right before you shoot.
In this regard, do bicep curls help athletes? Bicep curls very well may be beneficial to many athletes, when done with the right intent. However, without adhering to the foundation movements; squats, pulls, cleans, snatches, bodyweight calisthenics, sprints, etc of your specific sports, bicep curls may very well be a waste of time.
Quick Answer, should basketball players workout their arms? Arm Strength for Success An effective arm workout will strengthen your biceps, triceps, forearms and shoulders. Doing three sets of 10 lat pull downs, bicep curls and bar dips twice a week and three sets of 10 tricep press downs and dumbbell curls once a week will give you sufficient arm strength.
Similarly, how can I make my arms stronger for basketball?

How do you get arms like NBA players?
Strength is a key component to basketball success, and the exercises help to build defined muscles. Sample exercises used by professional basketball players, including LeBron James, are pushups, pullups, dumbbell snatches and a cable single-arm row.
Is bicep curl useless?
The short answer is no! Of course biceps curls are not useless. It’s become common place for trainers and some coaches to say that this classic and iconic exercise is a waste of time. … The theory that some fall back on is that if the movement isn’t organic in nature, then you shouldn’t exercise in that manner.
Do athletes need to train biceps?
Bonvechio advises athletes to train arms only in the off-season, when they have more time and the demands of their sport are reduced. Even so, you should keep the volume at no more than 30 total reps for your biceps and triceps and use a relatively light weight.
Are pull ups better than bicep curls?
Despite the isolation of the bicep curl vs the chin up, chin ups are actually the better exercise for your arms and your upper body as a whole. The practicality of the functional strength is a big factor, but not as big as the facts. Chin-ups are proven to have a greater bicep activation than curls.
What is Lebron’s workout?
Much like the previous two days of exercise, James begins his routine with a five-minute warm-up jog on a treadmill. His workout plan includes six sets of planks and side planks to be completed in succession at one minute each. He then performs three sets of ab plate twists and air bicycle with 20 repetitions each.
Why is bench press good for basketball players?
The bench press exercise is pretty common and is used in training for pretty much every sport. It is a great exercise for developing upper body strength, primarily in the chest and shoulders area. A big key to this basketball exercise, though, is having the correct form.
How important is upper body strength in basketball?
Upper body strength for basketball athletes is essential for power and endurance applications on the court. All aspects of the front, back and lateral shoulder complex are involved in offense (shooting, passing, dribbling) and defense (rebounding, post moves, defensive position, blocking shots) situations.
How do basketball players gain muscle?
Perform multi-joint exercises that work several muscle groups at once. Chest presses, shoulder presses, pull-ups, and rows for your upper body; and squats, deadlifts, lunges and step-ups for your lower body. You are not an Olympic lifter or bodybuilder, so don’t train like one.
Are wrist curls good for basketball?
What is the most important muscle for basketball?
- Triceps. The triceps are the most important muscles in the upper body for shooting and passing, followed by the shoulder and chest muscles.
- Quadriceps. The quadriceps are the powerful muscles at the front of your thighs.
- Hamstrings and Gluteus.
- Calves.
- Core.
- Forearm Muscles.