Definition. A player is awarded a run if he crosses the plate to score his team a run. When tallying runs scored, the way in which a player reached base is not considered.
Subsequently, what does R stand for in baseball stats? Run (R) Runs Batted In (RBI) Sacrifice Bunt (SH) Sacrifice Fly (SF)
Similarly, what is r in baseball box score? On a baseball scoreboard, R stands for Runs and calculates how many total runs have been scored by each team during the game. As the game progresses and more runs are scored, this number will also increase to reflect the total number of runs scored.
Also, what are baseball stat abbreviations? BA – Batting average (also abbreviated AVG) – hits divided by at bats. BB – Base on balls (also called a “walk”) – times receiving four balls and advancing to first base. BB/K – Walk-to-strikeout ratio – number of base on balls divided by number of strikeouts. XBH – Extra base hits – doubles plus triples plus home runs.
Additionally, what does the L stand for in baseball stats? L – Losses (while pitching) LOB – Left on Base. LOB% – Left on Base Percentage.Definition. Often called “the most exciting play in baseball,” a triple occurs when a batter hits the ball into play and reaches third base without the help of an intervening error or attempt to put out another baserunner.
What does CR stand for in baseball?
Colorado Rockies. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
What does TB mean in baseball?
Definition. Total bases refer to the number of bases gained by a batter through his hits. A batter records one total base for a single, two total bases for a double, three total bases for a triple and four total bases for a home run.
What is K MLB?
In the scorebook, a strikeout is denoted by the letter K. A third-strike call on which the batter doesn’t swing is denoted with a backward K.
Do home runs count as hits?
Definition. A hit occurs when a batter strikes the baseball into fair territory and reaches base without doing so via an error or a fielder’s choice. There are four types of hits in baseball: singles, doubles, triples and home runs. All four are counted equally when deciphering batting average.
What is C in fielding stats?
CS: Runners caught stealing. CS%: Runners caught stealing percentage. PIK: Runners picked off.
What does AP mean in baseball?
Definition. A plate appearance refers to a batter’s turn at the plate. Each completed turn batting is one plate appearance. Plate appearances can often be confused with at-bats.
Is a lower ERA better?
In baseball statistics, earned run average (ERA) is the average of earned runs allowed by a pitcher per nine innings pitched (i.e. the traditional length of a game). … Thus, a lower ERA is better.
What is BB in pitching stats?
A walk (or base on balls) occurs when a pitcher throws four pitches out of the strike zone, none of which are swung at by the hitter. After refraining from swinging at four pitches out of the zone, the batter is awarded first base. In the scorebook, a walk is denoted by the letters BB.
What does PC mean in baseball?
Pitch count (PC) and Strikes (ST) Pitch count is how many total pitches were thrown by a pitcher, while strikes counts how many of each of those pitches were called a strike by the home plate umpire.
What does GMS stand for in baseball?
In Major League Baseball, the general manager (GM) of a team typically controls player transactions and bears the primary responsibility on behalf of the ballclub during contract discussions with players.