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What does ws mean in baseball?

The abbreviation WS means “Watersports.” WS is used with the meaning “Watersports” to refer to any sporting activity that takes place on or in water (e.g., swimming, diving, water-skiing and surfing), as well as to a sexual activity that involves urinating on or being urinated on by other people.

Likewise, what do the abbreviations mean in baseball? BA – Batting average (also abbreviated AVG) – hits divided by at bats. BB – Base on balls (also called a “walk”) – times receiving four balls and advancing to first base. BB/K – Walk-to-strikeout ratio – number of base on balls divided by number of strikeouts. XBH – Extra base hits – doubles plus triples plus home runs.

In regards to, what does be mean in baseball? Definition. Total bases refer to the number of bases gained by a batter through his hits. A batter records one total base for a single, two total bases for a double, three total bases for a triple and four total bases for a home run.

Beside the above, what does WS mean in relationship? The WS (wayward spouse) is said to be in the “affair fog”—so consumed and distracted by the affair that he or she becomes irrational. They can’t even trust themselves.

Also, what is Owo? Filters. Oral without; in prostitution, signifies performing oral sex on a men without using a condom. initialism.

What does WS mean in music?

Major Scales The characteristics that give the major scale its specific flavor are found in the sequence (or pattern) of whole steps (WS) and half steps (HS) that form the scale.

What does CS mean in baseball?

Caught Stealing (CS) Double (2B)

What is K MLB?

In the scorebook, a strikeout is denoted by the letter K. A third-strike call on which the batter doesn’t swing is denoted with a backward K.

What does RMU mean in baseball?

Log in. RMU Baseball. @rmubaseball. Official Twitter Account of the Robert Morris Colonials Baseball Team. 2020 NCBA D2 Co-NationalChamps #RaiseIt #LGBM #ShootersTour.

What does LOB mean in baseball?

Left on base can be viewed as both an individual statistic or as a team statistic. In an individual batter’s case, it refers to how many men remain on base after that batter makes an out at the plate, as the batter has failed to do his job to score those runners — or at least put himself in a position to score.

What does TBF mean in baseball?

In baseball statistics, Batters Faced (BF), also known as Total Batters Faced (TBF) or Batters Facing Pitcher (BFP) is the number of batters who made a plate appearance before the pitcher in a game or in a season.

What does AP stand for in relationship?

News Dating Relationships Cheating Associated Press. The Associated Press is being mocked after attempting to curtail use of the word “mistress.” AP, widely used as a style guide for media outlets and journalists, defended the move on Twitter, after sharing guidance over the term.

Is OwO furry or Weeb?

OwO, also stylized as owo, as a furry term, is a chat emoticon and meme used in furry text-based conversation and roleplay, normally with a sexual connotation, sometimes as a trolling term. The two Os represent wide and open eyes, and the w represents a cutesy anime-styled mouth.

What does o_O mean in texting?

An emoticon representing a confused, perplexed, or surprised face.

What are pitch names?

Basic pitch names are designated by the alphabet from A to G (A-B-C-D-E-F-G). The TREBLE clef , or G clef, designates the second line of the staff as “G” so the lines are named: I! The BASS clef , or F clef, designates the fourth line of the staff as “F” so the lines are named: mmm. … …. …………………….

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