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What does the baseball term can of corn mean?

Definition. A “can of corn” is a routine fly ball hit to an outfielder.

In regards to, why do they call it can of corn in baseball? can of corn. A high, easy-to-catch, fly ball hit to the outfield. The phrase is said to have originated in the nineteenth-century and relates to an old-time grocer’s method of getting canned goods down from a high shelf. … Also, a phrase used to refer to something that is not challenging.

Moreover, what does can of corn mean slang?

  1. A very easy task. The phrase is thought to come from the act of dropping cans of vegetables from high grocery store shelves and then catching them.

Additionally, who coined the baseball phrase can of corn? The term appears to have been coined by Padres OF Carmelo Martinez in the 80s.

Amazingly, what does bulldog mean in baseball? What’s a bulldog? A bulldog is someone that never allows negativity to cloud their mind, they are always in attack mode and locked in on the task at hand. When the opposing team scores or their team makes an error, the emotions do not keep a bulldog from being ready for the next play.Definition. A “Texas Leaguer” is a bloop that falls between an outfielder and an infielder for a hit.

Why do they call it chin music?

Baseball. In baseball slang, it means a pitch that is thrown near the batter’s face. … In the late 1800s, at baseball’s inception, the phrase “chin music” was used to describe razzing or heckling from the fans. It began being used as a synonym for a brushback pitch around World War II.

What are some baseball sayings?

  1. My blood. My sweat. Your tears.
  2. The more I sweat in practice, the less I bleed in battle.
  3. Refuse to lose.
  4. Train hard, Win easy.
  5. Intensity is not a perfume!
  6. Out hustle. Out work. Out play. Out last.
  7. Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.
  8. You may be strong but we are stronger.

What is a bandbox in baseball?

A bandbox is a slang term designating a small ballpark in which it is easy to hit home runs. The designation was most famously applied to the Baker Bowl in Philadelphia, PA, although many other parks have been so called, mostly derisively. In common parlance, a bandbox is a cardboard box designed to hold a hat.

What is the keystone position in baseball?

Second base. Together the shortstop and second baseman – the fielders nearest second base, often combining on double plays – are sometimes referred to as the keystone combination.

What does BOT mean in MLB?

In this context, BOT is actually an abbreviation of the word “Robot.” In gaming, it refers to a “Robot Player,” i.e., an NPC (Non-Player Character) controlled by the game. Depending on the game, players may compete against or work with BOTs.

What does stick mean in baseball?

Sticky Situation: Pitch-doctoring in MLB. Sticky Situation: Pitch-doctoring in MLB. Player(s)

What is a pitcher with 3 outs on 3 pitches called?

You’ve probably heard of it — an immaculate inning is when a pitcher strikes out all three batters in an inning, on three pitches each. The immaculate inning used to be very rare — there were none from 1929-52.

Why is a bloop hit called a Texas Leaguer?

The performance became so entrenched in baseball lore that the term Texas Leaguer — likely said with pride in Texas, but pejoratively elsewhere — was coined to describe a well-placed but weakly hit ball that was shamefully accorded the same weight and respect in the scorebook as a sizzling line-drive single.

Where did the term Texas Leaguer originate?

The idiom, which has been an important part of the baseball lexicon for more than a century, dates back to the late 1890s, when Ollie Pickering, a native Illinoisan who was playing in the outfield for the nascent Texas League’s Houston Mudcats, made baseball history.

What is sweet chin music?

Sweet Chin Music is a form of superkick developed by wrestler Shawn Michaels. In this neurologic exam test, the health care provider performs a side step before delivering a powerful kick to an unsuspecting consultant’s face, chin, or neck.

SEE ALSO:  What are the dimensions of a baseball field?
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