Soak overnight in a mixture of hot water, Dawn dish soap and hydrogen peroxide. Spray the stains with Grease Lighting and rub with a bar of Fels-Naptha soap. Scrub stains with a plastic brush. (The brush I use is a nail brush that came with a bottle of GoJo hand wash.)
Likewise, how do you clean gray baseball pants? Mix two parts hydrogen peroxide to one part liquid dish soap in an empty, clean spray bottle. Give it a good shake. It’s valuable to have this mixture on hand as you clean your baseball or softball pants between games, so no harm in mixing up a batch well in advance.
Also know, how do you get stains out of baseball pants?
- Rinse the dirty pants out with cold water – or soak them in cold water for a few minutes.
- Spray any really dark stains or grass stains with the spray bottle of hydrogen peroxide and Dawn soap.
- Now it’s time to scrub the dirt out.
Also, how do you get stains out of baseball uniforms? Squirt liquid dishwashing detergent onto the stain to cover it. Rub the detergent into the red clay dirt stain and allow it to sit overnight. An old toothbrush acts as a small scrub brush for stain removal. Launder your baseball uniform according to directions.
Furthermore, can you use iron out on gray baseball pants? Take 1/2 cup and a sink full of warm water and soak the pants for a few hours in the solution, then, throw the pants in the washer with your regular detergent, toss in 1/2 cup of the Iron Out and the results will thrill you, promise. … I have also used it on grey pants and had no problem with fading.

How do you use Dawn powerwash on baseball pants?
I literally spray the Dawn Powerwash on the problem area (it comes out in a continuous spray as a foam without any water needed), rub the product into the stains, let it sit for 15-20 minutes (give or take) and then wash the garments as usual.
Can I use bleach on baseball pants?
To do this, add 1 ½ teaspoons Clorox® Regular Bleach2 to ¼ cup water and apply a drop of that solution to a hidden part of the stripe. Wait one minute, then blot dry. No color change means you can safely launder the baseball pants.
Does Murphy’s Oil soap remove stains?
Murphy Oil Soap is a good brand of liquid oil soap that can be used for stain removal. If the stain is old or very difficult, try applying the liquid oil soap and allow the garment to set for up to thirty minutes before washing it according to the above directions.
How do you clean baseball pants with Murphy’s Oil soap?
Solid Advice About Baseball That Can Help Anyone Cleaning nasty dirt stains – 1/4 cup murphys oil (furniture polish) and a squirt of dawn dish soap. Soak 2 hours swishing every 30 mins.
Can baking soda remove stains?
As a Stain Remover According to baking soda manufacturer Arm & Hammer, baking soda and water are a potent duo for stain removal. Make a paste with six tablespoons of baking soda and 1/3 cup of warm water, rub it into the stain and let it do its thing. The baking soda will lift the stain out of the fibers.
How do you get orange dirt out of baseball pants?
Will vinegar remove mud stains?
Vinegar is basically a universal laundry tool and can be utilized in several different ways, one of which is to remove those hard-to-get-out soil and mud stains. … Take an old rag and directly rub the vinegar into the stain. Direct contact with the vinegar will make the stain more likely to come out with this method.
How do you get brick dust out of white baseball pants?
Soak the pants in a sink with warm water and a cascade tablet for about 2 & 1/2 hours then wash them in the regular laundry. I did this to my sons pants and all the stains came out!!!! Get those white baseball pants stain free.