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How much is a honus wagner signed baseball worth?

Cut Signature – $400. – $800.

Moreover, what is the most expensive autographed baseball? Hall of Fame Baseball Auctioned for $632,369 in 2018, the most expensive autographed baseball ever bears the signatures of 11 early baseball greats including Ruth, Ty Cobb, Connie Mack, and Honus Wagner — the only surviving members of the Hall of Fame’s original 25 inductees when it opened in 1939.

Also, are stamped autographed baseballs worth anything? Stamped autographs Those items aren’t inherently worthless, but they’re worth far less than actual autographs.

Subsequently, how much is a ball signed by Babe Ruth worth? One of the most prized signatures in the hobby a Babe Ruth single signed baseball in general is worth about $25,000.

Similarly, who has the rarest autograph? #1 George Washington’s Acts of Congress: $9.8 Million. The first place in this list of most expensive autographs belongs to George Washington’s personal copy of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the First Congress. He signed the first page of this book which was put up for auction at Sotheby’s in 2012.

  1. 8: Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe’s Baseball.
  2. 7: Jimi Hendrix’s PPX Contract.
  3. 6: Babe Ruth Signed Baseball.
  4. 5: John Lennon’s final album signature.
  5. 4: Button Gwinnett’s Long Lost Autographs.
  6. 3: Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation(s)
  7. 2: William Shakespeare’s Elusive Signatures.

How much is a Joe DiMaggio signed baseball?

DiMaggio’s signature sells for $75 to $100 with government postcards not much more, while 8×10 photos are valued at $125 to $150. Typed letters are $275 while the much more desired ALS sell for close to $1,000. Baseballs exist in quantities and a nice specimen can be purchased for $350 to $400.

What Pen did Babe Ruth use?

We have seen dead-on Babe Ruth signatures signed in Sharpie fine-point pen on bats and balls.

How much is a Mickey Mantle signed baseball worth?

A Mickey Mantle single signed baseball is worth about $500. -$800. A Mickey Mantle signed Photo is worth about $150.

How do I find out what my autograph is worth?

You can also go to an appraiser, who will give you an estimate, if you’re just curious about an autograph’s value. The appraiser will also give you some idea of whether the autograph is authentic.

How can you tell a fake autograph on Ebay?

If the autograph is one which you can compare with another example, and it is absolutely identical, it is a fake. If it is written in ink and the cross overs are not clear, it is fake. If it is written with hesitation marks, it is likely to be a fake. And if it comes from a source noted as producing fakes, it is fake.

Are autographed jerseys worth it?

The answer to that depends on a lot of factors. Licensed autographed jerseys usually have more value but they’re also more expensive. Custom autographed jerseys provide an affordable option to add to your autographed sports memorabilia collection.

How much is a murderers row baseball worth?

NEW YORK, June 18 (UPI) — An authentication official says a photograph of the 1927 New York Yankees team that earned the nickname “Murderer’s Row” has sold for $350,000.

How much is Lou Gehrig signature worth?

A Lou Gehrig single signed baseball is worth about $30,000. -$65,000. A Lou Gehrig autographed photo would be in the $5,500. -$8,000 price range.

How much is a Barry Bonds autographed baseball?

A Barry Bonds single signed baseball is worth between $150. -$250. A Barry Bonds signed Photo is worth between $100.

How rare is Michael Jackson signature?

“There’s a zero percent chance that that’s an authentic signature of Michael Jackson,” Epperson said after examining the signature on the jacket Goodman bought.

SEE ALSO:  How many baseball movies has kevin costner been in?
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