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Baseball News

Joey Votto is a free agent for the first time in his career

For the first time since he was drafted in 2002, Joey Votto is officially a free agent whose rights do not belong to the Cincinnati Reds.

The club has just announced that the first baseman is free since the $20 million option (at the team’s discretion) was not taken up by the club.

Instead, the option of giving him a million dollars to give him autonomy made more sense. that’s what happened.

The club mentioned on social media that it was currently impossible to guarantee him the playing time he deserves in 2024.

Does this mean he won’t be back? It’s too early to tell right now. It is possible that Votto signs another contract in 2024, in Cincinnati.

But at $20 million, it was always a stretch.

The legendary first baseman has opened the door to playing elsewhere next year, but his #1 wish may be to stay in Cincinnati.

If he does, however, he will have to accept the fact that he is no longer systematically a starter like in his good years. Is he ready to do it? We’ll see.

There may be rumors sending him to Toronto, his hometown. That said, as far as adding just another first baseman, Ross Atkins should look elsewhere.

We’ll see what he decides in the end. To be followed with interest.

  • Eduardo Rodriguez, who refused to go to LA this summer, is out of his contract. He is a free agent again.
  • Tim Anderson is free as air.

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