
What does ra stand for in baseball?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In baseball statistics, run average (RA) refers to measures of the rate at which runs are allowed or scored. For pitchers, the run average is the number of runs—earned or unearned—allowed per nine innings.

Amazingly, what is RA and RS in baseball? EXP(W%) is the expected winning percentage generated by the formula, RS is runs scored by a team, and RA is runs allowed by a team.

Considering this, what does R stand for in baseball stats? Run (R) Runs Batted In (RBI) Sacrifice Bunt (SH) Sacrifice Fly (SF)

Also the question is, what do the letters in baseball mean? BA – Batting average (also abbreviated AVG) – hits divided by at bats. BB – Base on balls (also called a “walk”) – times receiving four balls and advancing to first base. BB/K – Walk-to-strikeout ratio – number of base on balls divided by number of strikeouts. XBH – Extra base hits – doubles plus triples plus home runs.

Subsequently, what does xW l mean in baseball? Major League Baseball’s Web site has many customizable options for how to display standings, but one of the default columns is “xW-L,” a team’s expected won-loss record based on its runs scored and runs allowed.Ground-ball Rate (GB%) Ground-ball rate represents the percentage of balls hit into the field of play that are characterized as ground balls. Each ball that is hit into the field of play is characterized as a line drive, a fly ball, a ground ball or a pop-up.

What does TB mean in baseball?

Definition. Total bases refer to the number of bases gained by a batter through his hits. A batter records one total base for a single, two total bases for a double, three total bases for a triple and four total bases for a home run.

What does LOB mean in baseball?

Left on base can be viewed as both an individual statistic or as a team statistic. In an individual batter’s case, it refers to how many men remain on base after that batter makes an out at the plate, as the batter has failed to do his job to score those runners — or at least put himself in a position to score.

What does OTF mean in baseball?

Home Run Data and Batting Park Factors Home Runs by Type at Columbia Park Years Total OTF Bounce IP 1901-08 197 * 163 5 34 Bounce: Bounce Home Runs IP: Inside-the Park OTF: Over-The-Fence (Includes Bounce) * Includes four National League home runs in 1903.

What does NVR mean in baseball?

Get ready for another initialism to enter the baseball vernacular beginning Thursday on Opening Day: MVR or “Mound Visits Remaining.”

What is Rdiff in MLB?

In baseball, run differential is a cumulative team statistic that combines offensive and defensive scoring. Run differential is calculated by subtracting runs allowed from runs scored.

What does Expected WL mean?

The Formula[edit] Expected W-L can then be obtained by multiplying W% by the team’s total number of games played, then rounding off. Expected W-L for each team is published by ESPN on their website.

What does L10 mean in baseball?

The “L10” column depicts each team’s win-loss record for the past 10 games, with the number of wins represented first. “STRK” stands for “streak,” and shows each team’s current win or loss streak, with “W” indicating wins and “L” indicating losses.

What does E# mean baseball?

Teams other than the front-running team have what is called an elimination number (or “tragic number”) (often abbreviated E#). This number represents the number of wins by the leading team or losses by the trailing team which will eliminate the trailing team.

What is a fly ball in baseball?

(A fly ball is a fly to the outfield, while a pop-up is hit to the infield.) Fly-ball rate can be used as a metric to evaluate both hitters and pitchers, although it’s more frequently used to evaluate pitchers. With pitchers, fly-ball rate can be very telling.

What does 500 mean in baseball?

The phrase ‘a . 500 team’ gets thrown around a lot in baseball. The idea is simple: a team that wins as many games as it loses.

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