Furthermore, what is cricket bat in Spanish? cricket bat n bate de críquet, bate de cricket nm.
Also, how do you say Welt in Spanish?
- 1. (= weal) verdugón m.
- 2. [ of garment] ribete m.
- 3. [ of shoe] vira f.
In this regard, what does base in Spanish mean? [beɪs ] noun. bottom, support) [of wall] base f.
Additionally, how do you pronounce bat?
How do you pronounce butt?
How do the British say well?
How do you talk in bed?
How is YEET pronounced?
How do you say the word poop?
How do the British say butt?
How do you say water melon?
How do you say the word wolf?
How do you pronounce boot?
Reduce your accent and speak clearly with this ESL English pronunciation lesson. BOOT /but/ is pronounced b-long oo-t. It rhymes with hoot, root, toot. BOAT /bot/ is pronounced b-long o-t.