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What does it mean to rake in baseball?

Raking (verb) – to really hit the ball hard, all over the park. When you’re raking, you’re hitting very well. (baseball-lingo.com).

Also know, what does it mean when a baseball player rakes? rake. To hit the ball really hard, and all over the park. When you’re raking, you’re hitting very well.

Subsequently, what does it mean when a pitcher shoves? Shoved is a baseball term. It means he pitched really well.

Additionally, what does it mean to rope a baseball? Rope: a hard-hit line drive.

Also the question is, what is a knock in baseball? Knocks: Hard hits or extra-base hits, not necessarily producing RBIs or referring to a specific type of hit.Major League Baseball Rules A run batted in is a statistic credited to a batter whose action at bat causes one or more runs to score, as set forth in this Rule 9.04.

What’s a reformed rake?

Reformed Rakes are what happens when the heroine of a romance story wants to eat her cake and matrimonially have it too, ending up with a former womanizer with a penchant for criminal activity who doesn’t just accept monogamy but thrives in it.

What is a stinker in baseball?

(baseball) Any of several high speed pitches that have a downward motion near the plate; a two-seam fastball, a split-finger fastball, or a forkball. His sinkers drew one ground ball after another. (construction) Sinker nail, used for framing in current construction.

What does it mean to hose someone in baseball?

hose. A strong arm, said typically of an outfielder. To “be hosed” is to be thrown out on the bases, typically from the outfield.

What’s a frozen rope?

a powerfully thrown ball traveling in a straight line, especially from the outfield: A frozen rope from Ichiro in right field retires the runner at third base, and the fans are going wild!

What does IP mean in baseball?

Definition. Innings pitched measures the number of innings a pitcher remains in a game. Because there are three outs in an inning, each out recorded represents one-third of an inning pitched.

Can of corn expression in baseball?

can of corn. A high, easy-to-catch, fly ball hit to the outfield. The phrase is said to have originated in the nineteenth-century and relates to an old-time grocer’s method of getting canned goods down from a high shelf. … Also, a phrase used to refer to something that is not challenging.

Why is second base called the Keystone?

The term likely dates back to that Dead Ball Era, when small ball ruled the day. A player who got as far as 2nd base was considered to be in scoring position even with less than two out, and because 2nd is also up the middle, the term Keystone, as in the keystone or central brick in an arch, came into use.

Why is a double play not an RBI?

The reason it doesn’t count for an RBI is because it is a fielders choice. A fielders choice is when the fielder decides to get a certain out instead of another. If the bases are loaded, there aren’t any outs, and the batter hits a ground ball, there are 4 bases the fielder could throw to.

What is a RBI in baseball?

Definition. A batter is credited with an RBI in most cases where the result of his plate appearance is a run being scored. … A player does not receive an RBI when the run scores as a result of an error or ground into double play. The most common examples of RBIs are run-scoring hits.

Does anyone get an RBI on a wild pitch?

There are certain exceptions: a player does not receive an RBI if he hits into a double play and a run scores, if a run is scored on a wild pitch or passed ball or as the result of an error, or if the pitcher balks. … A player does receive an RBI if he is walked or hit by a pitch with the bases loaded.

SEE ALSO:  What does nlcs stand for baseball?
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